We regret to say that today we had to fire VLBrantOfficial as a moderator...

Brace yourselves because we’ve got some news that might startle you at first: we had to let go of @Brant as a moderator… but wait for it… we’re actually promoting him to a full-fledged admin! Yep, you read that right. We used a bit of clickbait to grab your attention because this is big news we didn’t want you to miss.

@Brant is GOD

From the moment VL joined our SWAPD team, he’s been nothing short of amazing. His work ethic is off the charts, consistently topping the charts as the most productive staff member almost every single month. And on the rare occasion he didn’t clinch the top spot, he was a close second. But it’s not just about the quantity of work; VL’s dedication to going above and beyond, lending a hand in discussions, crafting thoughtful responses for our team, striving to streamline our processes, and his unmatched kindness and professionalism truly set a new standard—one that I must admit surpasses even my own.

Speaking of standards, or perhaps my occasional lack thereof as a customer rep, stems from a bit of burnout after wearing multiple hats for so long. That’s why promoting VL is the first step in a significant transition for me. After six years at the helm of SWAPD, doing everything from front-line customer service to backend development and everything in between, it’s time for a change. I’m starting to phase out of the day-to-day operations to focus on what I’ve always been passionate about: promoting and developing SWAPD.

This isn’t me saying goodbye to the team or our community. I’ll still be around to tackle problems and dive into tasks when needed. But by elevating VL to the admin ranks, I’m entrusting him with the day-to-day responsibilities that will allow me to dedicate myself to growing and enhancing SWAPD like never before.

So, here’s to new beginnings and exciting times ahead! Let’s all congratulate VL on his well-deserved promotion and look forward to an even brighter future for SWAPD.


Also, petition to change @Brant username to something shorter :smiley: So he can be tagged easily.


Congratulations bro, you deserve it!

good luck!:heart: @Brant

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He’s a top-notch professional without any doubt

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@Brant YOU need to change your avatar from AGENT to ADMIN, please.

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Congrats @Brant. Nothing more than deserved.

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Big congrats :clinking_glasses::fire:

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Congratulations :fire:

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Congratulations :clinking_glasses: @Brant Buddy :heart::ok_hand: I have no words to explain how happy i am to see this :ok_hand::clinking_glasses::heart: Well deserved :white_heart:


Congratulations :slight_smile:


Congrats brother, well deserved! @Brant


Congrats @Brant

Well deserved


Congrats @Brant

Well deserved :+1:t2:


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Omgggg so happy for you @Brant :goat::goat::palms_up_together:t5:

@SWAPD stop misleading on title :joy::joy: I was like oh noooo

Change his username to @Goat please

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Congratulations :partying_face::clap:t2:

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Congrats @Brant! You deserve it

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Just @Brant would be nice :smiley: