We're dropping support for our official Android SWAPD App

We’re sad to announce that our only real app left in the Android store will no longer be supported via updates. More and more Android users have reported that the notifications stopped working, along with other problems, so starting today, we’re letting the app go.

Now, the good news!

The “install website as an app” features have greatly improved both for iOS and Android devices. Android is actually better at this, as iOS introduced this feature just a short few months ago, so there are still slight problems for Apple devices. But, you can enjoy using SWAPD and get instant notifications (because this is what it was all about from the beginning) on Android. Here are some of the benefits of using this system and why we’ve decided to change:

  1. You will never need to update the app. All updates that take place on our end will instantly work on your end.
  2. Notifications work just like in our old app, and you will have a SWAPD icon on your phone for easy access.
  3. No problems with old device support. It will work on all Android devices.
  4. The HomeScreen app is indistinguishable from our regular app. That’s because, in reality, our standard app was just a clever browser acting as an app.
  5. It will help SWAPD Incorporated save money on dev costs, so we can focus those funds on developing other things.
  6. Maintaining apps is hard, and thanks to what we do, we may not always be welcomed in the app stores. Like that time we were kicked out of the App Store.
  7. Installing SWAPD as a HomeScreen app will give you more screen space, as you won’t have the annoying URL bar displayed.

Ready to try?

If you want to restore your notifications on your Android, follow these steps. It’s quick and easy, and once you’re done, your phone will rain notifications in no time. Just make sure to remove our old app before installing the HomeScreen version.


Any questions?