We're happy to announce that we've finally acquired SWAPD.com!


Even though we don’t plan on moving our site to a .com (mainly because SWAPD.co is already established in the search engines), the constant taunts from @RandyMarsh and many other people prompted us to finally pull the trigger. As of a few days ago, we’re now the official owners of SWAPD.com. We have been trying to snap that domain for years with no luck, but we finally managed to get things done. We will route all traffic from SWAPD.com to SWAPD.co in a week or two once the domain is transferred to our registrar. The main benefit of this change is that people constantly make the mistake of sharing our URL and point people to SWAPD.com. There are even full articles written about us with a backlink to SWAPD.com, which was previously a diabetic strip selling website (and before that it was a promising app for swapping items but the company went under).

Our next move is to trademark our company (in process). That is all, thank you for reading.





So it cost $6K?

Where did you pull that figure from?


Woah. Making moves huh. Keep going upward and onwards!!

Power suit, power tie, power moves.

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J/K I work in my undies.

No, he just rented @RandyMarsh to OGusers

Starting to regret the purchase already:


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@RandyMarsh Help me by this domain? I will pay you 150$

Wooooo congrats!

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Full power

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Amazing, Congrats!! :sunglasses:

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Yay!! :heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart::raised_hands:

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You were not supposed to say that!

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Congratulations. :green_heart::purple_heart::blue_heart:
Btw, just wondering how much does domain king (Rick) made from this sale!

Congratulations @SWAPD definitely worth it :blush::blush::clap::clap:

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I dont know why I thought the domain currently was swapd.io but congrats lol big boy moves

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Well done boss! :metal:

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