What are the biggest social flips (personal) you've ever made?

Done did it again. another NFT collection. sold in less than 12 hours. don’t ask me how I don’t know


Found a page publishing trick in 2017, published over 250 +pages, made around $450K. ($0 investments)

Bought a 2.5m page for 4500$, merged a USA 400k page in it, sold it for $24k.

Found a winning product last week, spent over $1650 on ads, generated $35k in sales. (42% net profit)

Bought a page for 1500$, posted a couple of videos on it, a video went viral, made 40k$ on adbreaks. Recieved 1 payout, it got demonetized, sold it for $4500 :smiley:

Some days/weeks doesn’t go as planned, but sometimes I get lucky :100: the key to success is consistency :gem:

Put yourself in a place where good luck can find you.


Nice! I have this thread set to give me notifications for inspiration. :slight_smile:

Nice work, @FaadixD! Thanks for making me feel poor.


Dont feel bad about L’s.
Friend of mine lost 200+ btc because he thought they would never be worth ■■■■ :joy:


beat it bro, :sleepy: i know you’re a multi millionaire :smiley:

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And then there is me, who’s best flip was buying an instagram page for 375$ and selling it at 140K followers with really good engagement and growth(1,5K a day) and premium USA following for 1080$… life feels bad when I see your results

Are you an artist or something??

Don’t let numbers blind you and put you down. Profit is profit at the end of the day, as long as you made money and you’re proud of yourself because of it, that’s all that matters.


Did this yesterday. Sold for like 8x profit in less than 24 hours (NFT)


How do you find these NFT’s worth buying tho?

@SocialTuber on OpenSea look under ‘Recently listed’ found a couple gems that way

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Yeah, but when looking at different ones how do you determine whether or not to buy? For me those NFT’s kinda look the same

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Oh fair enough, personally I look for ones that have some sort of pop culture relevance that I think people will eat up, or will continue to be a trend as time goes on (ie it’s not just a fad) One example being these Gorillaz themed ones I acquired the other week.

I’d stay away from the ones that look self submitted, ie pictures of someones dog or cat or ones that are repeated or are apart of a numbered series

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I once bought a facebook page here on swapd for 12k and sold it for 350k next week. Less then 2 minutes after i sold it, my cat woke me up from my dream.


Got a 2L tiktok repeater for trading someone 1 month of netflix free trial, sold it for $2500. Also bought a username for $20 and sold it to someone for $5000

Lol those should be called scams not flips

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nothing, zip, nada

A few NFT flips from the last week or so


Not my best, just a recent example.

Not really social media flip. But I’ve bought just over 1k worth of Turtle NFT on solano and their in total worth over 50K. (Mint was a week ago)