When was the last time you've lost a Twitter account because you didn't own the orignial email? VOTE

We’re sparking up a discussion here about the importance of OG emails when it comes to Twitter-related transactions. Speaking from experience, Twitter pullbacks are EXTREMELY rare, I don’t think we had more than 3-4 this year. And none of the pullbacks relied on owning the OG email. None. What it all boils down to is that we want to eliminate OG checks for Twitter transfers. Why?

  1. We don’t recall a single OG pullback for Twitter this year.
  2. If Twitter pullbacks happen, it’s all about Twitter support, and the OG has very little to do with it.
  3. It’s not easy to verify an OG email with Twitter. Many times, the archive file which we need to check takes 3-4 days to compile. Buyers get antsy almost every time.
  4. Additionally, many times, the archive files are huge. We’re talking 200-300 GB. All these downloads are usually for nothing, because:
    a. Buyers generally buy anyway, even if the email supplied isn’t OG.
    b. As mentioned before, OG pullbacks on Twitter are as rare as electricity at @RandyMarsh’s household during the weekend.

We want to hear your opinion.

Have you ever lost a Twitter account via OG email?
  • Yes
  • No

0 voters

Do you beileve owning the OG email for Twitter is important?
  • Yes
  • No

0 voters

We’re OK with buyers checking OG emails on their own, if it’s really important to them. We could even create a guide on how to do that. But anyone who decides to check for OG on Twitter needs to realize that it’s a lengthy and cumbersome process.

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I have lost an account in past but from last few months og email aka creation email does not matter . What i noticed is twitter now works like instagram which is mainly device footprints .


Twitter is really weird with pullbacks. I noticed that you can even pull if the email on it has been their for 1 year +. But you can also pull with OGE (especially for verified) if you go through different channels / media support.

I would at least make sure OGE is there for verified accounts

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Bumping this to get more opinions and results!