Who would be interested in advertising on the front page of SWAPD?

Yes, we’ve said we won’t do ads. However, SWAPD’s revenue stream isn’t growing as much as we would like, but our expenses are. To combat this, we’re considering including a small, three-topic section on the front page. We’re talking three extra non-obtrusive lines, with no images. Just like pinned topics, but with no text preview so they don’t take up too much of the screen. We would create bi-monthly and monthly deals for three potential clients who would like to advertise on SWAPD. However, we need willing clients to do that, so this post goes out to everyone who would be interested. Ads will be screened first and we will be very selective about what we accept if we’re going to go down that route. Clients would also have the option to simply feature their sales topic. The front page gets a lot of traffic, so please don’t expect this to be a cheap feature. And again, I realize many of you will go off on us, but please remember. A higher budget means:

  1. More money for development
  2. More money for victims
  3. Expansion and growth opportunities
  4. Happier admins

If placing an ad is something you would like to consider, please PM @administrators to discuss this further. Due to the limited three-slot ad space, we would most likely sell to the highest bidder. As of now, this still isn’t a sure thing, we’re only testing the waters.

Thank you for reading.

EDIT: Want to show some of our stats to potential clients. While they’re not groundbreaking, SWAPD gets a fair amount of traffic. 50% of which is from tier-one countries. Organic traffic isn’t our strong point, but we get anywhere from 20-25K uniques per month and are averaging around 1 to 1.6m hits per month. Our bounce rate is quite good and the average user spends 8-9 min on site. We keep a steady 30-50 page views per minute at all times.


we aint gonna go off! we’re always here with you guys🤗


If this pleases Lord @RandyMarsh, I am In.


It will please me. now go pay him $50,000 for a month


No dude , Me and Mr Swapd are agree with 90/10 that means 10% is mine :joy::muscle:

Ahmm, you are expensive…

Good idea

This would be cool.

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Want to show some of our stats to potential clients. While they’re not groundbreaking, SWAPD gets a fair amount of traffic. 50% of which is from tier-one countries. Organic traffic isn’t our strong point, but we get anywhere from 20-25K uniques per month and are averaging around 1 to 1.6m hits per month. Our bounce rate is quite good and the average user spends 8-9 min on site. We keep a steady 30-50 page views per minute at all times.

i would definitely be interesting in running image banner ads, I know that’s not what your offering, just throwing it out there

We would have to decline. Images are obtrusive and annoying.