Win $25k if I don't lose 20 pounds by March 15, 2023


Good Luck :wink:

Make sure to still stay healthy :pray:t4:

I also want to loose some wait

Tip from me: starve yourself. I’ve lost 33 pounds in 3 weeks this way. Drastic measure if u want to lose weight fast

Eat 500 calories under your matienance

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skip breakfast drink at least 1.5L of water in the morning before your lunch, make your lunch around 4 pm not before, and try to sleep without dinner at night or get a light dinner instead @GOAT

When you eat has 0 relevance when it comes to losing wight. Just be in a caloric deficit. It’s up to you to decide how drastic you want this caloric deficit to be, depending on the time frame you want to lose your weight

Good luck! 🥹

Loss weight fatt men :wink:

I wish you loose 20 pounds man, it’s not a lot. :muscle::muscle::muscle::muscle::muscle:

The money should be held by Swapd and then they should raffle it off! Then you can’t back out :slight_smile:

Intermittent fasting

damn lol this is smth new

You got this!

I’ll show you the way :sunglasses::100:

Don’t take random advises and go to a professional if you need help. If something worked for somebody, that doesn’t mean it will work for you as well.

The main thing that everybody (who wants to lose weight) should do, is calculate their daily needs (kcal). Make sure you go a few 100 kcal below that.


How tall are you? that isn’t much weight

Damnn! GL

Good luck g, love the commitment