YouTube 398K fully monetised Verified | +63M views +4.5M watch hours +389M impressions +7.5K$ earnings

Amount of subscribers: 398000
Country of subscribers (majority): Algeria
Topic/Niche: Gaming
Promotion methods used? (Organic/Paid/Engagement Networks/Software/Automation):
:fire: Dive into the world of YouTube with a powerhouse channel:

:busts_in_silhouette: Massive Subscriber Base: Join a thriving community of 398K subscribers, eager for more content.

:eyes: Impressive View Count: Videos have amassed a staggering 63.6 million views lifetime, with 900K views in the last 90 days alone.

:alarm_clock: Watch Time: With a total of 4.3 million watch hours lifetime, the audience is not just watching but staying engaged.

:rocket: Broad Reach: The channel has made waves with 389 million impressions lifetime, reaching far and wide.

:chart_with_upwards_trend: Viewers Sources: Videos are discovered through browse features, suggested videos, and YouTube search.

:moneybag: Monetization Opportunities: Fully monetized and ready to make money from views, memberships, Supers chat, and shop.

:dollar: Earnings: More than $7800 earned, with potential for even more.

:shield: Clean Record: No strikes or copyright issues, ensuring a smooth and seamless experience for the new owner.

:100: Real and Active Subscribers: 100% genuine engagement, with a subscriber base that’s still growing and expected to reach 500K in the next few months.