Youtube Automation Sports Channel - $3,143 last month, 92% USA, Just $20k - priced to sell

Amount of subscribers: 6,400
Country of subscribers (majority): USA (92%)
Topic/Niche: Sports
Promotion methods used? (Organic/Paid/Engagement Networks/Software/Automation): Fully Organic, zero promotions


Selling a faceless youtube channel in a sports niche followed almost exclusively by Americans, monetized since 31 Oct 2022, $11,700 on Adsense, and $3,143 last month alone. Has the potential to scale up further when posting consistently, my reason for selling is that I want to focus on my other business ventures.

Comes with a team! (scriptwriter, narrator, editor, thumbnail designer) at just $62/video

Zero issues with copyright, no claims, let alone strikes ever.

The potential the channel has:
Maximum views in 1 day: 199,000
Maximum views in 1 hour: 23,000
Maximum revenue in 1 day: $256
Maximum revenue in 1 month: $3,143

Only Serious Inquiries. Feel free to send offers. Offering $20

k would guarantee you the sale, but I’m open to offers.


I can vouch for @youtubejan - I’ve known him for a couple years now, he has built many successful channels, we’ve worked together a lot in the past and he’s overall a great guy to do deals with.

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Thank you for the praise brother!

Link please

Link please

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