Youtube Channel Verification [100k+] $50 For the first 3 orders

Service type: Verifying 100K+ Youtube channels.
Price: $150 + SWAPD Fee
But for the first 3 orders I’ll do it for $50.
Accepting only crypto (Most of the coins, but prefer USDT TRC20)

You have a Youtube channel with 100K+ subscribers but you are unable to verify it? ( Gray Checkmark)
I’ll verify it for you, if I don’t succeed you don’t pay (SWAPD Holding your payment untill delivery)

You will have to add me as channel manager.

My success rate so far is %100 (20+ channels)
TAT: Usually under 12 hours, but for any case of delay lets say up to 48hours ( which never happens, but you never know.)

I have also 100k+ up to 5M Channels for sale that I can verify under your desired name, for that PM me.

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