Youtube Channel with over 500k views per month, 19k subs and over 4 Million total views


youtube channel for sale Not enabled monetization
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Amount of subscribers: 18,934
Country of subscribers and views: (united state,Argentina,Mexico, spain )
Topic/Niche: nature sounds
Promotion methods used: all views and subscribers 100% organic ranking on yt (seo with target keyword, frequency upload)
channel language: Spanish
views over 20k per day
subs over 2k per month
watch time over 44 Millions Minute per month

You will find full details through Screenshot

If you are interested pm your offer

Can I see a link to the channel? Thanks

Pm url and best offer so far please.

UP, still available

up up

Would you trade for it ?

i need link of channel and price please


Please PM channel

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