1.6m Food TV show Facebook page - Verified Badge - Big fan base

Relisting having had confirmation from the seller that it is still for sale

Last price now is 30k$

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Here is stats of a link test on the page

Handle and price?

Hi, What is the price?

Hi seller. I am a bit confused as in dm you said you already had an offer for $30k on this page? Can you prove you legally obtained it from the producers of No Reservations? I find it hard to believe that the producers of a very popular tv show with a host that recently died would simply give up the page to someone to list and sell on swapd. Please confirm.

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link me

Hey bro
Can take this page for rent?
I can give price for monthly

Hello, I didn’t get it from the producers. I just bought it one month ago from someone who has nothing to do with the producers too.

No sorry I am just selling it

Ok. Does that mean it was never the official Facebook page for the show? The previous owner just tricked fb into thinking it was the official No Reservations fb page to get it verified?


And you’ve rejected offers of $30k on it already? Glws

no the buyer want to pay for it in parts

Send me your link

Link please

Current best offer, and link please.

If anyone have missing facebook is shutingdown audience network. Thats why most of people are starting selling their facebook :slight_smile: time remaining 11 april and bye bye audience network

Please elaborate on how this will effect video publishers on Facebook. Thanks.