1.8k Subs Monetized Enabled Channel

Amount of subscribers: 1,800
Country of subscribers (majority): Russia
Topic/Niche: Gaming/ Counter-Strike
Promotion methods used? (Organic/Paid/Engagement Networks/Software/Automation): Organic

Description: This is one of my many already enabled monetized channels that I have available. It is a gaming channel with mainly Russian viewers and subs. You can change the niche to whatever you want through after purchase. Since it’s monetized I’m asking for at least more than $600 minimum. Looking to sell fast as well so if you’re serious about purchasing we can get a deal done quickly.


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PM link please

Link posted to @Abdul

Thank you

Link plz

Link posted to @Savvyking

So this is ok to go off swapt to paypal?? Confused

I did some reading around because this is the first time I’ve attempted to sell an account through here.

Here’s the section on how it works: https://swapd.co/t/how-to-use-swapd-checkout-system/3522

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pm please

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PM sent @geob12333

Account SOLD! Please close this thread!