100% GUARANTEED - Instagram Verification in 3-12 hrs For Brands , Companies and Entrepreneurs only 3-5 Press Needed- PREMIUM SERVICE

Re-verified an account with Meta verified in 20 minutes

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Mine debadged as well, looks like the guy did subscription verification for $12 and charged us $10k.



It seems the worst-case scenario came to life, and I can’t say that we’re shocked. So far we:

  1. Demoted @McEvans to the lowest possible level
  2. Removed his trust badge and bumped it down to nothing
  3. Closed all his sales topics
  4. Placed his SWAPD account on hold until this is resolved
  5. Removed all his paid promo/ads

Our stance on this issue:

Instagram verifications, just like any other verifications, are risky. Especially in the case of @McEvans, where you could verify your account in just a few days, press or no press. We rang the alarms when this service came out, and we’ve pinned this topic globally to warn others, we’ve also started issuing warnings inside the tickets. I am not saying all verification services that are quick will suffer the same fate. From time to time, unfortunate situations happen, and this one seems to be one of them. I sincerely hope @McEvans will do the right thing and try to assist the buyers who lost the badge, but I wouldn’t keep my hopes up. But I can tell you right now, such tickets are not eligible for disputes. We’ve warned you guys, you decided to risk it, and now it’s your problem, as bad as it sounds. We will gladly help people with litigation if any party chooses to do so. But if you want to go down that route, do it through proper channels, and don’t PM us with “Hey, give me @McEvans address right now” requests.


His cost doesn’t matter. Many providers verify for free via a rep or portal. Most people, including myself/clients, paid for the perceived value, regardless of his cost. But, perhaps he used the meta verified method - in which case, would be pretty dog. However, there’s no proof of that. I’m not mad and don’t expect him to do anything about it as there was no warranty & no buyer protection from Swapd, but man to man, he should offer a pro-rated refund. Something reasonable… 20-30 cents on the dollar.


To add insult to injury, I have @McEvans DC award sitting in a box, ready to be shipped. I guess the shipping destination will change now, from Dubai to the trash can.


See now told you


@McEvans saw this topic 9 minutes ago, and left. Also, found another account of his on SWAPD, registered 27 days ago. Hmmm…

You guys were insulting me like ■■■■ that time I warned some people about debadging, no one listened


Just because someone delivered some orders doesn’t means he is doing it correctly.
Stop worshipping sellers with quick results, you never knew what method is being used in the backend.

This one might be enabling meta verified from backend


When people offer without press then this happen was come ,becouse there is no case id or portal case id to ask the poc


And this message is for admins and mods as well

So how does he verify the account without press?

At first I disagreed with all of the actions taken against him because he didn’t offer a warranty and didn’t technically do anything wrong (that we know of). Everyone who purchased, including myself, knew the risks. But him ignoring a DM from me (and likely others) + not responding here is a bit … cowardly. So I support all actions taken against him for now, unless he of course apologies and or provides an explanation. A pro-rated refund would be appreciated. But again, even if he doesn’t provide any of the above, I personally knew the risks and can’t be mad. I just won’t ever do business with him again unless he provides a small pro-rated refund.

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Maybe meta verified or some bad rep or maybe his friend work at meta do this ■■■■,becouse if he do via real rep or via portal he can ask why the all account badge removed

Is it possible to apply through a portal without a press? It won’t work Right?

I’m pretty sure staff knows about this, the thing is some buyers were just in a rush to get verified and took on the risks so nothing SWAPD can do unfortunately.

Could’ve been by paying a corrupt rep that was caught & fired and now they’re debaging all the account he verified, or even maybe the rep enabled meta verified on these accounts.

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