2020 is around the corner, and here is what is in store for you. (We're dropping prices!)

@SWAPD Whats wrong with you and @RandyMarsh :joy:

Just ask anyone on SWAPD, they will tell you @RandyMarsh is pretty horrible to work with, so we use him as a floor mat.


He’s antisemitic

Jews stop it, @RandyMarsh. That’s not true.

EDIT: Just. Sorry!


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I’m just curious why you guys always joke about @RandyMarsh :man_facepalming:t2: Im sorry maybe im missing something but i would like to know :yum:

I honestly wouldn’t know where to start, we would have to create a new topic. Maybe one day!

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1- Any plans for Auctions Category?
2- Any plans for Currency Exchange or at least Currency Exchange Category?
3- Victim Fund?

1- Any plans for Auctions Category?

Maybe. But implementing this will be very expensive.

2- Any plans for Currency Exchange or at least Currency Exchange Category?

Category, maybe. However, we will not run a Currency Exchange, I am sure of that.

3- Victim Fund?

No plans for that. I still think it’s a silly idea. We recover pages/funds in most cases and generally, scams are low on SWAPD.

Merch Please :blush:

I love this community and would enjoy a warm Swapd hoodie while browsing Swapd throughout the day. Then put on some Swapd pajamas before I go to bed. A Swapd pillow would be cool too.

:flushed: I’ll buy it


lol :smiley:


Lots of good news there! Congrats :confetti_ball:

How about an option to get Email alerts for certain keywords?

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apart from the @RandyMarsh mention everything sound cool :joy::joy:


I’d like to see 10-50k, 50-100k, 100-250k, etc. tags. It makes it lots easier to browse through topics :wink:


I think we already have that, but I need to double check.

I suggest to make more specific filters here on swapd.For example i want to filter premium tag only on youtube category.

  1. Navigate to the YouTube category
  2. Search for #premium
  3. Profit!

If you’re making the membership more expensive, I hope you offer more Useable amenities for the price increase.

Also would be cool to have a scammer section that users can submit to when they feel like the topic is a scam and everyone can chime in with their opinion!

You will not have to pay anything extra, in fact, you will no longer pay anything as you already are a premium member.

Also would be cool to have a scammer section that users can submit to when they feel like the topic is a scam and everyone can chime in with their opinion!

That opens the doors to abuse and unverified claims. Can’t allow that.

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