250k Like Gang/Ghetto Facebook Page

Property type: Facebook Page
Amount of fans/followers: 249,600
Country of followers (majority): Mexico 1st USA 2nd
Topic/Niche: Gang/Ghetto
Did you use automation/engagement networks/tricks to build up the activity?: no
Price: Best offer

Description: Gang/Ghetto page that posts cute pictures of girls, nothing pornographic. Page has amazing interaction and reach, last posts reached 20k on average. Sometimes they post gang/ghetto humor or pictures of blinged guns. You could use this page for several things. Mexico is top country, USA second, english and spanish speaking are top 2 languages and very close to having the same amount of likes.

insight screenshots posted, if you’d like to know the name of the page please pm me. No deals outside of swapd. I also believe that when paying for a page on here they can’t convert payments. For example if you paid with paypal I couldn’t receive a bankwire, therefor the only form of payment accepted for this page will be a bankwire, no Paypal.

Price is negotiable, highest offer in the next few days gets it.

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1 Like

PM URL please.

send me the url pls

Very interested - please send me url

sent pms to all so far, getting off for about 8 hours so I won’t be able to respond to additional requests for a few hours.

Please send url

Pm with link and the price plz.

**It’s all over! As in, the page is SOLD! **
Thank you for using SWAPD.