5+ YEAR | 60M+ VIEW | 70K+ SUB | 1000+ VIDEO | FLASH GAME | 15 K $

You earn 400 dollars per month with 70 k subs and asking for 15 000 dollars ahhahhhaha gr8 b8 m8, i got a dude a dude who sell his channel with 1.8 millions subs for 18k and u want 15k for your ahahaha, plus that u have 23 000 views every 48 hours, dat’s really really bad

please do not write the subject without reading the contents.
you will see that the highest gain there is $ 3800.
Someone who will share his voice and face in videos can exceed this revenue very easily.

1 Like

please look the title

So why tf some1 should pay for his future work ??? lmao he have to pay now for the channel how it is at the moment not how it will look in the future, this channel max worth is 3K but 3 k is super max offer

thanks for your offer.

new statistics.

last month external traffic source

lifetime external traffic source

lifetime external traffic source 2

traffic source


PM me the link please.

Can I ask you what makes you think that you can sell this for 15k $? Why would you divide your revenuo with 3? Proceed the explanation and the channel URL to my PM please :slight_smile:



Link pls



Who wants to make money by playing the game?


Waiting for the best offer!

HI im going to play the game by myself - but 15 is waaaaay too much bro

whats about 5000

Thanks for your offer but too low.

waiting for the best offer.