5+ Year | 60M+ View | 70K+ Sub | 1000+ Video | Flash Game | 15 K $

Amount of subscribers: 70K+
Country of subscribers (majority): USA
Topic/Niche: Flash Game
Promotion methods used? (Organic/Paid/Engagement Networks/Software/Automation): Organic

Hi, I am joining from Turkey.
My channel is 5+ years old.
I don’t have my own voice and face in my videos.
Only screen recording with game sounds.
Easily sustainable.
Channel Language: English
View: 60M+
Subscribers: 70K+

How I determined the channel price?
Lifetime revenue: 46.xxx $ / 3 ≈ 15k $
Only serious buyers please pm me.

Sell Reason
Statistics fall because I can’t show the necessary attention.
I’m an airplane technician.
I work day and night shifts.
There are times when I don’t upload video for a month.
And 5-digit revenues can be reached very easily if someone whose native language is English.
(if he shows his face and speaks while playing.)(I reached 5-digit revenue in our currency without doing them.)
Thanks to agar.io , with only screen recording.(as usual)
But I cannot see the motivation that will raise the channel again.
I want to sell this channel for this reason.

There are also sale ads on epicnpc that want to examine.

Best earnings: December 01.12.2015-31.12.2015 Estimated Revenue

December 2015 dollar / TL exchange rate. 1 $ = 2.90 tl

11.255 tl / 2.90 = 3881 $

new statistics.

last month external traffic source

lifetime external traffic source

lifetime external traffic source 2

traffic source


OLD TOPIC LINK: 5+ YEAR | 60M+ VIEW | 70K+ SUB | 1000+ VIDEO | FLASH GAME | 15 K $ - #13 by r4pt0r

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