500 USD to anyone who breaks Gmail login roadblocks

I know, perhaps Gmail thinks you have a new device and are simply moving things over that way? Could work, I just need more details.

@anon89711010 - But I like that idea you pitched last night, I was thinking about it and actually created my own spin on it, will test it this weekend. If this works, we will dub you the mother of account transfers! This isnā€™t even about Gmail any more but making transfers easier for buyers/sellers/staff.


No, not emulators. Simple Chrome extension will work.

Not just browsers, I am referring to the one that changes your OS and Device.

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Yeah I thought it in a global way.

May make your life waaay easier :)))

Oh thoseā€¦
Imo, thatā€™s kinda hard to do for regular user

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Yes it wasnā€™t on prior but I got him to enable it, if it is on Iā€™d leave it then while he was still logged in, I logged in and we went about him confirming my login and giving me any codes. I secured it and went about my business, I did the same thing when I was selling the account and it worked perfectly again like that. Let me know if it works for you guys.

-forgot to mention when I sold it I had it on alreaady (2fa) and it worked


OK OK. Sounds promising! Thank you very much. So far, @Zero and @anon89711010 contributed the most promising ideas. Please give me a few weeks to implement, test, and monitor this.


Iā€™ve tried to use the Gmail 2FA method twice so far. Gave exact detailed instructions and explained why/how this needs to be done. In both instances, the users proceeded with the transfer but never enabled 2FA, because ā€œI didnā€™t think it was needed.ā€ This literally makes me want to bash my head into the nearest wall.

The moral of this story is users donā€™t care at all to follow instructions. I can safely say that around 30% of problems created during tickets are caused by buyer/seller failure to follow our instructions.


any luck?

I tried a handful of times, not a single transfer followed on this, mainly because:

  1. Itā€™s inconvenient. Users arenā€™t too keen on meeting online at the same time.
  2. Users are lazy and they donā€™t follow directions.

Not a single person followed through on this. Users go with ā€œI thought this wasnā€™t neededā€ and ā€œI did it my way and it was fineā€ vs. following directions. So, I have not tested this correctly even ONCE. However, I will not give up and keep trying.

Wanted to give an update here, so far weā€™ve been doing the following things:

  • Informing users to dump Gmail for their projects. Weā€™re amazed at how many people adopted so quickly. In just a few weeks/months, ProtonMail.com is slowly taking Gmail off its throne behind the SWAPD scenes. I love you for this, guys (and gals).
  • We now force all sellers to create a dummy ProtonMail account and switch the properties to that new email. It seems like a silly move, but if the OG Gmail is lost during the transfer, the property isnā€™t. And most users are fine with this.
  • If any OG Gmails are included, theyā€™re directly transferred between buyers/sellers.

This reduced the problem by so much that currently, we donā€™t consider this a problem. The only vulnerability here is us not having insight into the Gmail (check for security settings). We combat this by informing newbies on what to do, and soon we will have a detailed tutorial.

As far as our request in this topic, itā€™s still valid and we will still pursue some of these ideas. Weā€™ve tried @Zeroā€™s way a few times but users literally refuse to follow the 2FA instructions, so I guess this would fall under the ā€œnot easyā€ category.

@anon89711010ā€™s idea helped us spawned another cool idea which we researched for a few weeks. Itā€™s very doable and could make transfers easier. However, so far we have not found the right developers yet, who could set up the environment we need for it.


Donā€™t send her $500 though.

Jews all over the world.


Good day @SWAPD What if we are about to open a ticket and the current email is in gmail can we still proceed and submit the transaction please advice.

i have an idea about it but i donā€™t want to share it public if adminstrator interested please send me a dm and i am sure 70/100 it works

You jealous

Glad Iā€™ve helped.

You can, yes. But I canā€™t promise Gmail will go smoothly.