94k Fans USA top page for sale

Property type: Facebook
Amount of fans/followers: +94k
Country of followers (majority): USA
Topic/Niche: Memes, but not mainstream memes. I can tell you about the content sources, which are many.
Did you use automation/engagement networks/tricks to build up the activity?: NO. Just got viral because of the content I posted.
Price: Min 700$

Description: Send me message to send you URL
Following are screenshots of fans, people reached, link reach and viral post respectively.

Page has 266 reviews, averaging 5/5 ratings.

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send me the url and details

Send me url please

Just curious how much are u selling ?

Morning, can you please send me url and details.

please pm url

can you send me url and insights please

Send URL please.

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sold! Thank you for using SWAPD.