Animal Facebook Page with 470,000+ followers (India, USA followers)

Property type: Facebook Fan Page
Amount of fans/followers: 470,000+
Country of followers (majority): See below
Below are the main countries of followers:
India 382,197
Pakistan 17,112
United States of America 9,679
Philippines 6,438
Malaysia 3,652
Bangladesh 2,929
Egypt 2,897
Myanmar 2,261
United Kingdom 2,084
Topic/Niche: Pets, Animals, Dogs, Cats
Did you use automation/engagement networks/tricks to build up the activity?: No
Price: $1,000 or best offer

Description: This Facebook page is focused on the pet and animal niche. Posts tend to get thousands of likes as you will see on the page’s timeline. It’s a fantastic page for people who want to post fun animal videos and pictures or promote pet products.

Hi there, can you tell me the page name please ?

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Can you please pm me details, thanks!!

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