Attention All Company Reps: Partner with SWAPD for a Unique Opportunity!

How it should be

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  1. You’re assuming that countless reps will contact us. Did you consider no one will reply?
  2. Even if we managed to provide some services, how is this different from a new member signing up and providing the same services as others?

Business is business. Adapt, or get left behind.


You should think about it, because swapd have 50k+ members and

What you think is the number of real reps ? 99%nof members are resellers only. What they’ll get if a rep starts selling directly?

I can say that I’m a rep but how will you verify that I’m the one. (Just wanted to know and I’m not a rep)


A magic rep wand? :smiley:


No one here has real reps. So I can assure you. No one will be affected! :rofl:


In this case buyer don’t know if seller is a direct rep or reseller but if you start providing service directly coming from a rep then no one will choose resellers (this is my POV and may be I’m wrong but let’s see how others react to this)


Exactly thats my point

Good. Most rep-owning-claimers have no direct ties to reps. They lie. If we’re able to outdo them price-wise and quality/speed-wise = this will be more beneficial to customers.


And what about us as a resellers?
You are making bridge between rep to you directly
But in between we resellers will get nothing.

Correct me if i am wrong

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You won’t be affected. You’re already competing against 20+ resellers on site simple.

A rep is exclusive and will be a higher price. A price that will be greater than your services currently are.


See you’re not sure if most of them are same or all are same.

Then what will happen to those resellers who are already providing good service, with better reviews, satisfied customers.

They also expect sales if I’m not wrong. And direct rep will kill sales for them as well :smiling_face_with_tear:

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Again, business is business. Think of it this way:

  1. If SWAPD provides more value to buyers, more buyers will join.
  2. The more buyers on SWAPD, the bigger the pool to share, even for resellers.

You assume people vet everything and everyone before making a purchase on SWAPD. This isn’t the case. A lot of buyers go with the first few picks they find and buy from them, without doing research. You’re currently panicking for no reason, I kindly ask you to calm down. Please believe me when I say, nothing will change for anyone.


@holma Your wrong lol

Haha its very hard to keep calm on this post, it making tense to reseller


@SWAPD youre annoying asf. You make wrong decisions.

But this time, I agree with you. This is a smart decision to attract quality services.


In my opinion, I think this is a good idea for SWAPD as it’ll obviously bring in business, but also a very bad idea, especially to sellers (like myself) who provide & offer exclusive services.

10+ years I’ve been in the social media game, the whole backbone to how this industry was built is because of people/sellers finding the representatives to these platforms, the only working methods and offering these services themselves. Making this publicly available, and welcoming these representatives with open arms just diminishes that whole ‘exclusive’ aspect and in my opinion will decreases the value of the service(s).

I’m sorry to drag you into this, but you are a perfect example: @Goofy was so successful with his service because HE was the one that found the representative for his Instagram unban service. HE was the one that brought the value, the demand into the market and made it the great success it was. Basically what you will be allowing to happen is people being undercut for their time, networking & connections.

Another example: Twitter unbans are known to be extremely difficult and highly sought after. The recent rise in people offering this service is because SOMEONE found a representative who is willing to help, increasing the demand in the service. But anywho, giving the idea of this rep the option to join SWAPD and offer the service thenselves is just a big ‘f*ck you’ to the seller(s) who go out of their way to make this possible… in my opinion.

I could be wrong? But that’s just my two cents. Try to look at this and understand from my POV (a seller), and I think I can speak on behalf of a bunch of people who may feel the same way.


You might be wrong here bro, reps prices are higher but still lower than the people who are reselling their services

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Agreed on this
In my opinion swapd must be neutral on this.

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This is the logic some of you are presenting ITT:

Please don’t attempt to bring premium services to SWAPD because it may affect my slightly inferior service, thus making me less money.

It seems very few of you look at the big picture. Part of SWAPD’s success was because we attracted big buyers with big budgets. That’s why most sellers are here: because we sure as hell aren’t an intuitive website to use, nor are we very popular (compared to others). But we did one thing right, and that is bring in clients with money. This died down recently, and we want to go back to the old glory days.


100% agreed with Swapd.

I’m happy to pay a service fee for a CONFIRMED
Premium service instead of trying multiple sellers claiming 100% success rates and then not being able to deliver, making me and my company look bad to the client’s

This will bring down the reseller’s business to an extent but in the long run, it’s best for the both BUYERS & SELLERS.

At the end of the day, we all need Top quality services and digital assets to be sold here.