Attention All Company Reps: Partner with SWAPD for a Unique Opportunity!

600 refunds a month is nuts

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Because if Swapd sell these services directly, the onsite seller will go broke.

Great idea!

No one is even mentioning the scam tsunami coming your way if you’d like somehow link up with one of these reps yourself to assure your assets.

Would be an interesting thing to see the prices of such services if they get listed because it’s kind of unsustainable that pages can get taken down without any legit reason, an algorithm confirming “yeah, we were right giving a nature page a sexual ban” and then we are left alone without anyone even wanting to listen to wtf has happened few a few hundred k follower page that itself is not even worth more then 3-5k$ …

How much is realistic for such cases where the acc in unrightfully down would be a big question.

Im not a rep, but lowkey i just need a job

How are you? were there any suggestions? we are all waiting


Where did I mention anything about updates?

You’re acting as if this business model (social media assets) was a fair gig. Remember, no one owns anything, you just lease things. It’s all calculated risk.

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Good work guys! Best in the game swapd :facepunch:

Ain’t any actual rep signing any such contract lol.

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i also think this is a great decision! lots of people pretending to be reps or have reps.

@SWAPD when will this service open up to buyers?


We’ve noticed three main types of responses so far:

  1. Fakes
  2. People who didn’t actually understand the post
  3. Scam attempts trying to get money from us

Type #3 is particularly elaborate. They start off with a convincing setup, making you do your own research, and everything seems to check out. But then they try to act like big shots—demanding payment up front, often in the range of 5-6 digits, and refusing to do a test case. Do they really think we’re that gullible? We’re too smart for that.

@mae made a great point last night about the increase in REP scams. These crafty individuals gain limited access to platforms (at best, they can look up accounts), show you some “insider” proof, and then ask for money to handle a case. Once they have your money, they disappear. So, users beware. These scammers are good at making everything look legit, but we’ve seen too many stories of so-called “reps” vanishing after pocketing $10K for a first case.

So, to all the scammers out there:


I spoke with a 15 year old the other week who’d made over $300k with fake rep scams.

He owns a Lamborghini Aventador.

He uses video editing software to fake videos of portals & has his script down to a T.

Never believe someone unless they can show you proof of work!


At 15, how can he drive it?


And how do you explain it to the parents and IRS? I don’t doubt that people make money scamming, but this sounds like a typical teen lie.


It’s not a lie. He almost scammed me. He doesn’t drive it he just has it. Additionally, he tells his parents and the IRS he sells usernames.

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That’s cap. Plus, no insurance company is going to cover a kid with a car worth over $100K.


Taking this down, waste of time. Nothing but scammers.


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so did you guys give up on this program? i thought it was a great idea