Attention All Company Reps: Partner with SWAPD for a Unique Opportunity!

This Decision Will Improve Swapd :white_check_mark:.

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I support @swapd

As a frequent buyer on the site, especially on Instagram and Facebook, I can say that there are 1 and 5 people who can really help in various situations regarding hacked accounts, blocked accounts, verification and application of a username.

And the rest are just wasting their time and the time of their customers.

I believe that if such problems are dealt with directly by company representatives, there will be a high percentage of success and at a favorable price for the buyer and seller.

For those people who did this through intermediaries, this is not profitable because they always charge 50-70% of the specified amount from the representative on top.

And as a buyer, working directly with a representative is much better.

Firstly, the percentage of success is higher.

Secondly, the price will be adequate.

After this, the number of buyers can increase by 100%


Good morning @SWAPD Nice one

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everyone’s got their own point of view, right? Some of you might agree, some might not, but that’s all good. Many respected members have their own agencies and companies, which is awesome. Making money by using Swapd is a smart move too I’m a seller myself not a big one yet but I can handle tasks that others might struggle with
It’s just the way some of us roll. Working directly with reps can bring some cool benefits, and I think Swapd considers sellers in their process Maybe there are other ways for Swapd to improve and make things even better Let’s all take it easy relax and keep making money
Competition everywhere

(check out my services)

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Great move.


Swapd should also do the following to improve the platform:

  1. Charge a listing fee that renews every 30 days. Serious sellers who have a valuable product or service and can deliver would pay it; those who don’t likely won’t. The fees can be different for each category i.e. a Facebook page or domain could be different than handle claims or unbans.

  2. Require users to be ID verified before they can create a thread. Sellers are required to verify their ID before opening a checkout ticket, anyway.

  3. Increase the price of auto-bumps. This would help reduce low quality listings on the home page

  4. Allow more frequency in auto-bumps i.e. every six hours.

  5. Automatically disallow shouting in titles. Sellers do this and staff has to manually unlist their topic, comment, and then relist once the seller corrects it.

  6. Ban the word “INSTANT” unless a service is truly instant … tons of sellers now use this to lure in buyers, but then say 24-72 hours.

  7. (REVISED) Feedback System: When completing a transaction related to a specific thread, I should be able to navigate to that thread and post feedback. The feedback form could include a “Ticket Number” field (for staff to verify the legitimacy of the feedback), options to mark the transaction as “Successful” or “Not Successful,” and a notes section for custom feedback, such as “This seller delivered as promised—highly recommended” or “This seller failed to complete the service.” As for buyer feedback, this could still live on ones profile. The feedback posted on seller’s threads could also populate on ones profile as well.

Cc @staff


Disagree With 1 & 3.

  1. Buyers Should Pay The Fee Not Sellers.


  1. I don’t like this because it dissuades new sellers from trying swapd.

  2. No brainer tbh and this should be implemented in categories for services.

3 & 4. Not sure if I agree with this because it makes swapd more pay to play for success and I think the beautiful part is even someone with no budget can sell on here and make thousands a month.

  1. No brainer, should be implemented.

  2. Ban “instant” “100%”, and “guaranteed” :joy:

  3. Way too difficult to code into discourse forums imo. Easier solution would be to track number of tickets a user has opened / completed succesfully and add a % next to that fraction to indicate how reliable the seller is. Sellers would open alot less tickets if this ratio was pinned on their profile lol.

a lot of hate on this decision from you guys… but i think besides a few obvious concerns im hopeful for it

A lot of sellers here can no longer deliver, however will say they can to roll the dice; ends up wasting heaps of time for the buyers, costing relationships buyers have made with their clients here and also costing money for us (from processor fees etc)

being able to know for 100% certainty that the person im dealing with can get what they say they can done, would be well worth it for me; people saying no are obviously saying so due to competition for them, but they need to realize you adapt or die.


@charizard thanks for your feedback

Swapd has offered free listings from the beginning, but recently both users and staff have raised concerns about the quality of these listings. To address this issue and prioritize quality over quantity, changes are needed. Implementing a fee could help eliminate resellers and time wasters, improving the overall listing quality.

RE: Autobumps: Listings can currently be bumped for free every 48 hours, with paid bumps available every 12 hours. Giving sellers the option to bump their threads more frequently and raising their cost could enhance the visibility of higher-quality listings and generate additional revenue for the platform.

RE: Feedback: Swapd has a developer on retainer, so implementing this feedback system should be feasible. For instance, when completing a transaction related to a specific thread, I should be able to navigate to that thread and post feedback. The feedback form could include a “Ticket Number” field (for staff to verify the legitimacy of the feedback), options to mark the transaction as “Successful” or “Not Successful,” and a notes section for custom feedback, such as “This seller delivered as promised—highly recommended” or “This seller failed to complete the service.” This would significantly improve the current feedback system. For example, @woody has 64 reviews, mostly from winning a contest on here and being given the ability to sell Swapd usernames to users, which does not accurately reflect his expertise in selling IG usernames or any other service. Thread-specific feedback would provide a clearer and more relevant picture of a seller’s performance. As for buyer feedback, this could still live on ones profile. The feedback posted on seller’s threads could also populate on ones profile as well.

Right @swapd?


While adding payments for listings would decrease time wasters, it also pushes away new sellers who may be from 3rd world countries, which was my point.

As an American, $30 or $50 isn’t a big deal but many are not as fortunate as residents tier 1 countries with wages and earnings. In Pakistan, India, or Bangladesh, $30-50 can be a lot for a 19 year old who’s trying to start his business in PR/Reputation Management that has a unique service.

There’s already many options for sellers to advertise in different areas on swapd with features listings on home page, side bar, ect that make it even more difficult for the new seller to get some sales.

For swapd to scale, there needs to be a balance between helping buyers and sellers. Buyers need reliable service providers. Buyers also need a better way to evaluate sellers than based on their feedback alone like your Woody example. However, Swapd also needs to be a marketplace/community that welcomes and supports not only buyers but also sellers. Over monetizing every feature will push away current sellers.

Because Swapd has a developer on staff, it does not mean implementing anything we want is easy/possible. I’ve built several softwares myself and every single one went over budget and over the time deadline.

I am not familiar how discourse forums work on the backend but implementing some of the logic you mentioned could be difficult. In the case an emergency update or patch that needs to be applied in discourse, to fix a vulnerability for instance, the update could cause some of the custom features to break which can take dozens of hours for single developer to fix.

It would be great to see which thread URL each feedback is labeled for though. If I’m looking for a TikTok unban, I would like to open ticket with a seller that has recent feedback for a TikTok unban, or if we were required to label what the service was for in the review and if it was successful.

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my opinion, SWAPD has always had the reputation of being the most high quality forum like this, doing things way better than all those other low tier forums

getting rid of people trying to pretend they know what they are doing, and just starting out with $30-50 would be a good thing, it means you don’t really know what you are doing.


You are correct. We both are. However, the point is Swapd is broken and a lot of people are complaining. Therefore, something has to be done to fix the quality. You can’t please everyone. I don’t think Swapd’s intentions when creating this platform was to be inclusive and philanthropic. He wants to provide a bridge between buyers and sellers and make money. I personally love giving everyone equal opportunities and I understand the disparity between people of the same and different countries, but business is business. I can’t think of a better option. So we either live with an abundance of low quality listings, or we implement steps to fix it. The world complained when Elon fired staff, introduced paid verification, etc. and then Meta copied it. The implementation of Gold badges and affiliates is amazing. Change is good and can always be reverted if it doesn’t work out.

RE: the autobumps again, no one looks at the sidebar ads and the top 3 placements are sticky. I think a lot of sellers would appreciate the ability to bump their listings more frequently. Increasing the price should control quality and spam/demand.

The feedback overhaul I suggested is by far the best and should be very easy to implement. Would be curious on Swapd’s thoughts, but in general, you’re also correct here that dev work usually takes longer and is more expensive than originally planned. It may not be crazy quick or easy, but it’s doable and makes the most since long-term IMO.


No one really thinks charging a small monthly fee is going to eliminate unreliable providers, right?

I think plenty of tier 1 country sellers like myself would risk a $50 for a listing. Even if you only close 1 deal in 3 months it pays for your listing.

I think the real solution is to showcase more data and educate buyers on how to find great sellers.

@Goat Swapd definitely did not start this forum for charitable reasons. He’s put years into his life to grow this forum and community.

Maybe offering his own direct rep services will be a good option for buyers for reliability. Who knows haha!

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not a monthly fee, but i think forcing unreliable providers to start doing this such as:

paying back payment processor fees lost on failed tickets, strike system before they get banned/have a badge placed on their account until they bring their success rate back up. no prepayment if you have a history of not delivering

i think what GOAT said about having everything public, including failed tickets would be great


@gireeshtty9 I’m super vouched, bro. You go first for our seven-figure exchange. :ok_hand:


Buyers can already negotiate for this fee to be returned to them by the seller in the event a paid transaction fails.

This would not work. Receiving a negative badge on your profile or being banned due to a low success rate on one listing does not accurately reflect the success rate or credibility across all listings. Implementing listing fees is the only true way to enhance quality.

The suggestions I’ve made are the best solutions.

I’m 100% with Swapd on this one. I would have no problem paying a premium fee, for 100% guaranteed services, as opposed to paying service fee, after service fee on tickets that don’t get completed. While I understand not every service is going to work out as initially planned, I’ve had a lot more failed tickets then I’ve had successful… and this is even while working with sellers who offered high success rates, with high ratings on the site. If you tell me 99-100% success rate, I’m not expecting that I’m going to be the 1% that you wasn’t able to complete.

With sellers not being responsible for paying fees on failed tickets, that leads to some sellers taking on jobs, that they wouldn’t have taken if they were responsible for paying the fee in the event they failed. As the only thing they have to worry about is a bad rating, and it’s not a secret that a lot of people don’t leave ratings on failed tickets, in fear of retaliation.

I think sellers paying a fee, to create their listings is a good idea… as this is common in most online forums. Just because there would be a fee, it doesn’t mean it would have to be a super high fee, that would push away some sellers. This would eliminate a lot of the sellers that pop up out of nowhere, claiming they can do this, and do that, knowing they’re taking a gamble on whether they can even complete the job in the first place. If a new seller was already selling their service prior to coming to Swapd, then they should have enough to cover the listing fee. Anything that will lead to higher quality services being sold, with higher success rates… I stand behind.


Exactly! To me this is one of the best decisions you have made since I’m here.
I honestly wish you all the luck. I truly believe this is for the best interest of everyone involved.