Buyers, don't be afraid to leave negative SWAPD feedbacks!


We’ve noticed a recent influx of newbie sellers trying their luck at your expense. To curb this trend and protect our trusted buyers, we need your help.

If a seller fails to deliver, please start leaving negative reviews. This is the only way we can ensure quality and reliability in our marketplace, and help the next buyers from wasting time and money. Don’t worry about any counter negative feedback—SWAPD has your back. Just hit the dispute button if a seller leaves you a bad review out of spite for not delivering. Sellers are NOT ALLOWED to leave counter negative feedback if the buyer had JUSTIFIED reasons to be angry with non-deliverance, especially when a seller held up his funds for weeks/months.

And finally, some good news! Our seller success ratio feature is almost ready, along with other useful tools like filtering listings by seller feedback, seller status, and success ratio. These features will make it easier to find trustworthy sellers and avoid the risky ones.

Let’s work together to keep SWAPD a safe and reliable platform for everyone.


Good to know that we can leave negative reviews and don’t be afraid of counter feedback if a seller doesn’t deliver :slight_smile:

I am looking forward to the seller success ratio and filters, these will be very helpful to find the good sellers :raised_hands:


Nice Coming Updates ( you still Fat af )


This one will be a little tricky, because most tickets get cancelled just for the payment method to be changed. It happened to me more times than I can count. Will this affect success ratio?

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Ticket Cancellation and Service Delivery as Promised are two different things. So, it won’t affect your reputation.


Sounds good It’s time to upgrade skills


Perhaps you are just unlucky, but taking the scope of things, its only a tiny fraction of all transactions.

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I feel like success rate isn’t the best idea. For example if someone had cancellations or offers a service such as Wikipedia that everyone knows has a much lower success rate it would affect their other listings

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Expect some negative reviews from me @Thanos :rage: :rage: :rage: :rage: :rage: :rage: :rage: :rage: :rage: :rage: :rage: :rage: Grrrrrrrrrrr


@Alpha if i write to seller “i not recommend him” is that offensive and please if is can you please learn me or us how to write than? Because i dont see purpose for sellers if we cant say honest opinion of buyer behavior . Because if comment where i say only that is deleted i really think something is not alright….why we or me even have options for leave review to buyer if we cant say our honest opinion

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Well it is best idea, because these newbies sellers always say 100% success rate and keep on pushing deadline, They will never say they are reselling their service or they have low success rate. Atleast sellers should share success rate about what they do.

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So I’ve some ideas for our platform

New providers should not allow to post without I’d verification, they should only be allowed to post thread under Buyer Requests and not under any other option as it’ll help us to clear which sellers are genuine and which are only here for timepass and calling us offsite.

Swapd must also keep chat of seller-buyer at one place. For example, if @Memo messaged me about any service. We make a long discussion but we didn’t made any deal. Now, after few days if I have to find that chat to take follow-up or message him again to inform about offers, it’s almost impossible to find that chat again. Also, everytime buyer create new message requests to contact the seller rather than following previous conversation.


Agree with @leaflix
All PM with one person should be combined at one PM just like chat so we can get all old messages at a place if we discussed something with other party previously


That’s true man, like I’ve got some free methods months ago and now I am unable to find them, there should option for saving messages etc…

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Bookmarks can be substitute for it but that’s not enough. That fails lot of times

It would be great if we get both options.

Damn we got swapd seller success ratio feature before GTA 6

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My bad bro :sob: but yeah this is an excellent idea would be complicated to implement though?

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It’s not complicated at all I have solution in mind for this as well. Swpad should make a feature where if we try to contact anyone and click on message. Old conversation will get open if we had chat with him before. Additionally, swapd can make an inbox section where all chats will be listed as we see on WhatsApp. And search bar should be there. Through that we can search any seller name or keywords used in any chats.

This all will be enough to solve this issue. @Brant what say?