Convince us to start accepting other forms of crypto

We rarely get requests to open up new crypto payments, but we are willing to hear you out. Taking in suggestions, so if something is on your mind, feel free to speak. We are considering giving USDT a try but know little about it so far.

Any input will be appreciated. Thank you!


USDT will be the best.
Seller will get exactly how much he supposed to and between 2 binance accounts I think transfer is free in USDT.


USDT Will be fair , for example if a seller offer a service for $1000 and after 1 month amount dropped to $900 it will not be good .

In usdt you can deal as you deal in USD Paper

Transfer between accs in usdt from binance is free, reach immediately .


How does USDT keep its value then? Why can’t other coins follow the same suit?

It’s 2021, there is such thing called Google.


usdt like 1 usd .

its a value that traders can exchange with other cryptos .

For example if i bought 1 BTC for $40000 and bitcoin value reached $44000 , and I’m fear of that Bitcoin will start take down , i will transfer BTC to usdt that’s mean i have now $44000 after i need to buy BTC again with these usdtt i can do easily through Binance with small fees .

its so good to keep your money value .


Any stable coin should be okay! Less fee, faster confirmation and no price variation. USDT is the most popular but there are other good ones. They claim 100% of these are backed by actual currency or gold (analysts could so far verify only upto 80% or so).



Usdt is a stable coin and was created during the time the us had strict regulations on crypto transactions. To combat this, the usdt/ usd tether was created to replace the us dollar and also be of the same value as the us dollars, 1:1, in rare occasions it can be 1usd to 0.99usd but it’s literally the same.

It’s not volatile as compared to other cryptocurrencies and used as a worldwide means of exchange( instead of fiat) in acquiring other cryptocurrencies that are new to market

OK, what other cryptos are OK to try, explain to me like I am 5 years old.



I would suggest USD-C not tether!

Explain why.

Available on both major crypto wallet/exchanges (Binance and coinbase)


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Not gonna happen! Unless all the whales out their sell their holdings which @elonmusk would definitely likes

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I was joking lol

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Me too haha

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USDT would be amazing.


or USDC as well

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