Do you want to see dedication? I will show you dedication. One of our glorious members slapped a SWAPD tattoo on his arm

Why dont you ban people that ■■■■ on me too

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If they’re trolls who hide fake accounts I will also do that too, @RandyMarsh.

But only once you get a tat of my other websties., for example?


I blv you should introduce some tougher registration rules.
Back on the topic, being a pro designer for a lot of years I can safely say that logo is perfect for the brand and also looks very good as a tattoo. Whoever made it :clap:

That discourages new people from signing up. When you wall off too much, newbies who usually will have trust issues with a new service will just go “WTF? I need to show ID just to sign up? Im out.”

BUT, if you let them in, let them browse, talk to people, then they will see that this place is something they could trust. Verifying them in full after that is much easier.


Not id on signup just add some extra checks
If vpn - no
Check for double accounts/ if banned
Basically go all zuckerberg mode :smile:

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Easy to say, expensive to implement :smiley: Unless @RandyMarsh coughs up some that Hanukkah money. He’s also STAFF, it would be nice if he contributed.


Wtf. You are supposed to pay me!! Not otherwise


:joy::rofl::joy::rofl::joy: swapd need investment for new stuff to be added, and we all know who control the world MONIES :joy::joy:

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Jews indeed, but I’m not part of that club. too poor


So you’re a failure in your heard? How many banks do you own? If you say less than five, I will lose all respect I had (left) for you.


A poor Jew is still rich than rich muslim or christian :joy::joy:


this man deserves the highest paid referrals!

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I don’t ever expect to make lot’s here on SWAPD- - mainly because this is a hobby for me, but it is ultimately something that I’d love to turn into a full time gig. However, I know that’s not something I can ever achieve alone because without acquiring the appropriate skills it’s impossible. So, my fate relies on others recognizing potential and taking me under their wing. I don’t expect that to happen, but a person can dream right? Either way, I see people like @Goofy, @Boogeyman and even, but no so much @RandyMarsh :wink: that inspire me to continue doing the best that I can do and pushing forward with the time that I do have.

I respect what they have accomplished and that alone inspires me to continue learning and pushing to be a better me and improving my personal skillsets within this world. This is what SWAPD is all about. A community that strives for greatness. I’ll probably never be verified on any social media platforms because the reality is that I am not a notable person. Sure I start small online businesses, write solid business articles and earn a decent amount of passive income through amazon ebooks, Amazon FBA, Medium, and a few of my own sites, but at the end of the day, I’m not doing anything that the average person can’t achieve with a small about of effort.

My point is that what some of these guys can do and have achieved is an amazing feat and I personally respect that. I hope that one day I can achieve a percentage of of these guys have, but until then, I’ll continue to work as a US Veteran and current US Military Contractor and learn as much as I can from the experience that surrounds me until the day that I can take a different path. I appreciate everyone here and am proud to be part of this community even though I learn more than I have to contribute personally.

Thank you all for allowing be to be part of this great community.


I can only dream of having writing skills like you, @austinlawson. Even your last post in this topic is a pleasure to read :smiley: Thank you for your kind words and we’re happy you’re sticking around with us :slight_smile: Even though @RandyMarsh is here (ewww).



as an American, thank you for your service.

as a member of SWAPD community, thank you for your humility. It was almost like a breath of fresh air to remember that everyone is human.


The only thing I accomplished here is getting therapy because of the constant abuse I experience here. Swapd needs to create a victim fund to pay for it instead of paying to people who got scammed.

And ofc, thank you for your service! I don’t live in the US but it effects us here too



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@RandyMarsh I’d absolutely contribute to a fund that contributes to your therapy. While I’m sure this stings for you from time to time, is puts a smile on my face every time I see this as I’m sure it does many others here on SWAPD. In my opinion, it’s the best running joke of all time and I’m certain that if you weren’t a solid dude, that this wouldn’t be a thing. I have no doubt that in it’s own way, this is probably one of the best compliments that you can received in a community like this.


^ Facts