Facebook 180k page for sale

Property type: fanpage
Amount of fans/followers: 180k
Country of followers (majority): Mexici
Topic/Niche: nature
Did you use automation/engagement networks/tricks to build up the activity?: no
Price: 600$ plus your offers will be entertained…

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Hello please send me the demographic information and url

Url please?

This page is not USA top correct?

Yes this page is mexico top

@SWAPD made it quite clear about it being a sellers responsibility to list properties correctly and truthfully.

See that information below.

This property is not USA Majority as you have advertised. Users have a right not to be mislead, many users will make contact expecting and looking for a site which will bring US traffic which this will not.

Oh, my mistake… let me change it. Thak you for correcting me jason :slight_smile:

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