Fair Warning to Our High-Tier Members (DC/MC/Partners) – We Know!

To all our top-tier members, this is a heads-up that we’ve noticed an increase in offsite transactions, and we’re fully aware of what’s happening.

Some of you have been conducting deals with SWAPD clients directly, outside the platform. While we understand the desire to save on fees, we believe it’s only fair to remind you that without SWAPD, there would be no clients or deals to begin with. This practice not only undermines the trust and integrity of our platform but also hurts the community as a whole.

Our goal has always been to maintain a fair and level playing field for everyone, and these offsite transactions are starting to compromise that. We want to be clear: while we haven’t taken action yet, this is your final notice. We are keeping track of repeat offenders, and we will be forced to demote (or outright ban) users who continue to violate our terms.

If you want to avoid fees, that’s your choice—but don’t do it by exploiting the opportunities SWAPD has provided. We’re all in this together, and we expect all members, especially our highest-ranking ones, to respect the platform that made these opportunities possible.

— SWAPD Staff


Despite the common belief that SWAPD staff is rolling in cash, the reality is far from that. While we handle millions of dollars in transactions each month, our profit margins are extremely thin, especially given the daily risks and responsibilities we shoulder. When you bypass us to save 2-10% in fees, it directly impacts us. Less revenue means less money for ads, less for development and growth, and ultimately, less motivation to keep the platform going.

Even though our workload has doubled over the past year, our income remains the same. We’re working twice as hard as we did last year, with little to show for it, and part of that is due to some of our “trusted” members trying to cut corners by avoiding our fees. This stops now. Consider this your final warning—if things don’t improve, further action will be taken.


Make this topic DC+ members only and throw the members that have been doing it in here :slight_smile:


Right on point. :+1:

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Fees are 10% ussualy and on big amounts is good “losted money on 100% earning “ and only 90% left for us (but truth is if swapd not exist that 90% will never happened). If some admins were filthy rich from fees, they would have left as soon as that happened. Some of you are here 7 years and that show us inofe all… completly agree with all about this


I completely agree with you. Without Swapd platform, many sellers would struggle to connect with the right customers, and buyers would have difficulty finding reliable professionals to handle their transactions through an escrow service.

Those who choose to conduct business offsite understand the inherent risks. Issues can arise between buyers and sellers, leading to situations where one reports here getting scammed or claims that the terms were unclear.


It’s not about the risks though because offsite deals would only really make sense if you want to save money on fees and then you’re ■■■■■■■ the platform that got you the business in the first place

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I know what Swapd means, you have to be thankful for sure, but at the end of they day not everyone is honest, that’s why swapd is taking action and warning them.

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Then we should drop their names if it’s just a warning :+1: @swapd

Proud of being only diamond seller on swapd, not selling anywhere else. Only on Swapd. Just buying outside! :gem::pray:t2::muscle:t2:


You can’t go and drop names without a proof that you’re not going to get, since both seller and buyer wouldn’t say it.

If you want to assume that a seller is not making enough money as usual then there’s no sense to think he’s dealing offsite since you don’t know what’s going around.

I assume that swapd has some proof otherwise he wouldn’t have made this topic

We’re not dropping any names or proof. All we want is for people to be fair, that’s all. I figured this post would maybe help, because we’re usually known for taking action right away.


They’re aware that some of DC/MC members are starting their business/activity on offsite forums cuz many of them have same usernames and they use their swapd reputation to get sales offsite.


Swapd can make every top rated seller millionaire one day for sure!

So respect swapd guys.

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I agree 100%, but where do you draw the line? If you knew each other before, are you not allowed to do business outside of Swapd? We pay Swapd fees for protection, but if we decide to do business without a middleman, it’s at your own risk. Swapd doesn’t own relationships; it provides a service for sellers.

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Any business you had outside of swapd before you joined swapd or any business you get off site is obviously not the issue

It’s about meeting people on here then dealing with them offsite


I get many enquiries where they provide their number of telegram, I just ignore those requests.

It’s swapd who gave us lot of business and where we all met. We should never kick someone who helped us to achieve what we are today!

Don’t just think of making money, think of a long run. One day everyone has to die no one is immortal. So do good things to people which will only come up when you die!


Am talking only about clients acquired here.


The worst perpetrator should have their diamond badge revoked and given to me — a gem of a member who everyone loves and considers like a son.