★ ★ Fake Musician IG Verification from SCRATCH! | All Type Unbans (VERY FAST) | Submissions | Username claims | Hacked Recovery's ★ ★

price for fake musician ?

How did you get verified on soundcloud ?

https://help.soundcloud.com/hc/en-us/articles/360058973693-Profile-verification- here


The unbanned king!

DM’d u several times, are fake musicians still being processed ?

Are you offering Fake Musician Service Now?



For everyone I was on vacation and been sick the last couple days, messaged back over 50 people. Lets get back to work!

Hey, I want verification for smaller personal Insta account (blue badge), my budget is 1500 USD, Can you do it?

Really Tom lol


Yeah really, Why not? Smaller budget for personal account is always welcome! :slight_smile:


Active! :smiling_imp: Let me know if u got any inquiries, unbans or anything else. :slight_smile:

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PMd you, please check

Just pm u

Active active active.

Get ur verification, unbans and hacked recovery’s. CHEAP AF! :full_moon_with_face:

Btw also doing Twitter hacked recoveries and unbans, just started some new tickets!

Still doing fake musician verifs?

Also, what are your accepted payment methods?

15k ain’t cheap lol

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Having the fastest unbans of ALL TYPES of whole Swapd. :slight_smile:

Also hacked recoveries as u guys now, I can deliver every service u need.

Willing to give big DISCOUNTS on next 3 orders! PM ME, UR INQUIRY. :crown: