Google knowledge panel

That was your panel?

No, he was one of @mrgeek first clients on this thread and had a Google panel created under his name which was active a couple weeks ago when I checked but I can’t seem to find it now :face_with_monocle:


Now I’m worried, so out of all that everyone who bought here, how many are affected and lost their panels?

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Mine still there, I messaged him and he said he has a new method and requires more info about me


:cold_sweat: Holy ■■■■! From my experience I would’ve thought once the panel was up it’s rather difficult for it to disappear like that even if someone reports it, thats strange!

Yeah, I just noticed yesterday’s that my panel had vanished. I’m not sure what happened, but he did say he provided a 100% guarantee that this is permanent, so I’m confident he will either investigate and find a solution or simply send me a refund. I guess we will see.


@mrgeek still waiting for a response.

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Responded to you in private and also responded to other affected buyers.

He told me it was permanent . Please say that it is not permanent when selling this service.

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I told you that its permanent because I am working on a new method that’ll help to save panel if triggered to be removed…

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Just to update everyone on this. I’m still waiting for an update here and my panel is still MIA.


I am closing this down for now, the user claims he has health problems, is quite unresponsive lately and we’re unable to get any ETA’s from him.

How many people lost their panels?

I have a panel which you can’t view unless you go to a specific URL (IE if you search my name it doesn’t show)

This wasn’t made clear, I’ve now let go off the funds as he mentioned I had to that in order to get to start entering the details of my panel.

He has how ever started walking me through adding information to my panel, in the understand it will become public, but no ETA and I’ve released the money already.

I certainly don’t think this is the right way to do business.


I think he also has problems and is looking for a solution, it would be simply best if he came clean that things are iffy right now.

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But we shouldn’t be the guinea pigs, specially not paying.


That’s why the service is over and I will try to resolve the rest of the tickets.


and today, my panel has gone.

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That’s two panels for today. This service is officially shut down.