How does everyone grow their Facebook fan pages? I need tips, suggestions, help!

How does everyone grow their pages without spending money if possible? I need some ideas, tips, suggestions, etc… Pm me or comment :blush:

For start
Choose a Niche which you think you won’t get bored of.
Join related groups.
make sure they are big and active groups.
Have 4 5 added in those groups.
make sure the accounts are old and look real.
Post 5 pics/video on your page share 1 from each account.
make sure you search viral and related pics/video, which compel people to share it.

Process will take time but its tested & working.
If you want to speed up the process buy page and share your new page content on it.
Either spend time or Money. you will get results.
Good luck.

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@Panda69 is right. I recently purchased a 85k Facebook page which received 20k reach and 400 likes average. I posted 1 photo, shared it in some related groups and got 2k followers in 24 hours. Photo got 1,2k likes, 1,8k shares, 400k+ reach in 12 hrs.

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Checkout this thread by @FaadixD

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@carlos_marin if I had the money, yes!

@Andreas yeah, I’ve been doing that, so far my page gained some, but not too much.

. Thanks for all the tips :slightly_smiling_face: