How to Enable Instagram Reels Bonus? - Discussion!

Hello everyone, this is a golden moment to profit of reels bonus. But how?

I myself have no clue to to enable this function and profit of it.

If anyone also offers enabling reels bonus as a service would love to talk more!

And for everyone that is in the same position as I and doesn’t know how, please feel free to discuss down in the comments and perhaps we find a solution!

I’m starting :point_down:

Heard you need to be USA resident, but have also heard that you can put in fake details of USA resident to activate it.

If that’s the case they don’t check bank details after? Or do you also need USA balance?

As far as I know, Reels Bonus is currently only available in the US and Canada. Therefore you can only import payment information from these 2 countries. But, don’t enter fake information, I’m pretty sure Reel earnings will be withheld indefinitely. Look for real info and do it like you are a US citizen.

Thanks for your response @MrJett !

My biggest question is if you’re US resident can you automatically have your account have reels bonus enabled or is it luck of Instagram enabling them randomly for your account as a chosen one?

Same here, I’m intersted in this topic

Nice to have you here @iconovi!

If you mean to earn money for the reels, for that there is monetization through the distributors

Hey @AddictiveX, can you define distributors?

I mean he is asking for full process… how to and what to do…
Everyone knows some parts but no one knows full process

I am referring to the monetization of music on Instagram, which is an alternative for those who cannot activate the Bonus. For example, if I have a song in the distributor “Onerpm” and when I upload a reel I put the song that I distributed with Onerpm then Instagram will pay you through Onerpm for each reproduction that the reels get, for example I do it in the stories from facebook and it works. the advantage of facebook stories is that it is the platform that pays the most :relieved::dollar:

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You have to be invited just being in the USA doesnt work.

If you put in fake details goodluck since Instagram verifys your identity for tax purposes they check everything

Hey @noahe welcome! Thanks for your input.

How does one get Invitation rights? Or are you aware where we can find this individuals that do?

That’s how a member done it here, it’s just gathered information at this point. Building as I go.

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if Instagram thinks you are eligible they will invite you theres no set requirements or anything, if they feel like it they invite you lol which I hate

Well I have no idea how he wouldve gotten paid out since Instagram needs W9s and all of that which require a US social security number. Goodluck trying to manipulate a billion dollar company lol

It is actually easier in my opinion as it’s too hard to check all those checkpoints that they do due to having alot of things to do simultaneously and alot of groups working to keep ■■■■ together.

Otherwise why platforms such as swapd exist?

Buying/Selling accounts? Not allowed to TOS.

Verification accounts being given out like newborn puppies.

Fake Musician verifications… and much more.

I think they are easily manipulated simply because they don’t have the amount of power to withhold all it’s users.

Let’s not have to wait for luck to get invited as I am searching for a solution to get it done.

As for taxes just have friends from USA gather this income for me without a problem.

Response to @noahe

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This is a very small program. Last month you could tell my bonus account was being audited in real time by Instagram Staff. If your friend wants to take the risk, and he is well aware of having to pay 30% of that income to the government then go ahead! Try it for yourself my man you seem to know it all, im trying to make you aware of the facts but all you seem to want to do is try to disprove it lol

I see what you mean. You misread the tone of my texts. I’m expressing my pov on this. If I knew it all we wouldn’t be having this conversation.

This is me staying positive of this small program has a loop hole, perhaps the bigger it gets the easiest it will be to get into due to lots of people using it, instead of now which in did be monitored as they are testing out this new program.

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Your good thank you. The easiest thing to do would be to have your friend run the account from america and have him put his details in etc and you just micro manage from the outside while staying out of the account. Its the safest method

Goodluck with the program

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Great input. This is to be noted regarding the management as I was having similar thoughts.

Maybe find some guideline to follow to have more chances to getting it activated

I bought a page by acciden with reels bonus enabled a while back, changed the payout details to mine (EU resident) and got paid out 3 months later.

This was good information @SocialTuber .

Are your reels bonuses still active now?

Are you waiting on other payments or is it just this one time.