How to fill in your payout Information on SWAPD

Filling in your payout information on SWAPD is a straightforward process. Here’s a quick guide to help you update your payment details:

Step 1: Access Your Profile

  • Option A: Through Navigation

    1. Click your avatar: Locate and click on your avatar at the top of the SWAPD page.
    2. Access user settings: Click on the user icon.
    3. Go to Preferences: Select the ‘Preferences’ option from the dropdown menu.
    4. Navigate to Profile: Choose the ‘Profile’ tab to access your personal profile settings.
  • Option B: Direct Link

Step 2: Enter Your Payout Information

  • Locate the Payout Information Section: In your profile settings, scroll to the section where the payment fields are located.
  • Fill in the Details: Enter your payout information accurately. This may include your bank account details, USDT/C addresses, or other relevant payment methods.

Step 3: Save Changes

  • Review Your Information: Double-check to ensure all details are correct and complete.
  • Save Your Settings: Click the ‘Save Changes’ button to update your profile with the new payout information.

Tips for a Smooth Process

  • Accuracy is Key: Ensure all details are accurate to avoid any delays or issues with payouts.
  • Regular Updates: Periodically review and update your payout information to reflect any changes in your payment preferences or details.
  • Security: Remember, your payout information is confidential and only visible to admins and ticket agents on SWAPD.

By following these simple steps, you can efficiently update your payout information on SWAPD, ensuring a smoother and faster payout process.