IG debadge (verification removal) 100% guaranteed

Service type: IG debadge

Description: Now offering a service where the check on a verified instagram can be removed

TAT: 1-8days

NB: Price depends on the account type!
(No PrePayment for the first ticket)


Debadges are ONLY allowed on accounts that have been verified by SWAPD members, and the buyer ended up not paying (no-prepayment tickets). Every other reason is forbidden.


Basically a death sentence to verified users? Can’t win anymore :eyes:

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Change the username, name email etc? And you have 90% chance to lose the badge.

Why there’s a need of this service if someone needs to debadge their profile. What’s the point?

Am I missing something? If yes, Would love to know the reason.

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He’s providing a service to “remove badges” of any targeted accounts, I guess :slight_smile:

That’s common sense, @Rayman go home you’re drunk


:joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy:

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Can you debadge literally anything? Personally, I would use this service for evil.

scary service this is crazy

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Debadge plz


Here’s your first client:

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That sounds like a very evil service but can surely be used to punish the culprits. GLWS!

Can we debadge @SWAPD @Administrators @Goofy @Rapunzel @1999 all on swapd?

any vouch here?

Not sure. Never thought about this. But next time you tag every single staff member on SWAPD we will debadge you on SWAPD, noob.


OK. This service can stay, but under ONE CONDITION. Debadges are ONLY allowed on accounts that have been verified by SWAPD members, and the buyer ended up not paying (no-prepayment tickets). Every other reason is forbidden.


Someone else offers this service on site too tho