Partnering With Individuals Who Have US based LLC's To Run Ecom Stores, We Do 100% Of The Work. (No Upfront Costs/Investment Required)

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Ever heard of a contract?

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Good luck yall when you get audited by the IRS trying to prove how your business makes money and your transactions when all you have is a lump sum of cash every month. They are gonna ask you for your bank statements and EVERYTHING, hows it gonna work when it goes to his account first?

I never heard of any business doing this. Why would a merchant block you for doing much volume. You really think Amazon is doing this? Or any other legitimate company that does more than a few hundred grand a month in transactions.

You all really need to look up the definition of money laundering and then stop trying to get the fast and easy cash for a second and realize what you all are getting into.

If this is so legitimate tell us all your websites that you use or send it to an admin so they can verify this is legit.


Check DM !!


I get what you’re saying but I see this as an opportunity to have more money flowing through the account which will allow me to take out bigger loans in the meantime to put more capital into my Buisness

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I would be VERY careful if I were you, what prevents them from running away with all the profits and letting you pay all the taxes

You see it as an opportunity to go to jail is what I think you should see it as

Your willing to risk going to jail potentially for money laundering for some quick cash :joy: The IRS could show up 10 years from now to ask you for those records

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Money flows through my account ? How are they going to withdrawal money from MY account ? And I pay them out the back end via crypto or however else they want it

For what ?

Because your just getting random money put into your account for no business being done. What do you think an IRS auditor is going to think of that?

Clear as day money laundering

I don’t know why everyone’s acting like a retard when I clearly explained everything. We DO have contracts and WE take part in paying our side of the taxes which is 80% of the total revenue generated from the store.

This genuinely is an opportunity for you to make extra cashflow without having to invest anything. Everythings straight forward, if you think this is for you, you’re welcome. If not, you can stop giving a ■■■■ and carry on with your stupid existence.

Exactly. SMH imagine being this braindead :sob:

Lol you clearly explained nothing. I get 20% because you apparently cant use your merchant account for more volume. Whos your merchant that doesnt allow that?

Id love to know which service your using so I can read up on this!

I heard SWAPD needs a new payment processor. Maybe you can give it to them, just hold on wait no more than 100k a month!

But won’t the IRS see where the inflow of money incoming from ?

Your going to have reciepts of your payments to suppliers for whatever he is selling? Plus your going to have 20% missing from the amount he takes from you, whats that going to be listed under?

how come you only get a lump sum of cash every month and then never goes out as payments for invoices etc

He’s taking 80% not 20%

Okay even better wheres 80% of your money going when the IRS says your payment processor told them they gave you x amount of money

Send invoice for social media services/account management services ? That is what my Buisness is anyways

Bro at this point you’re just assuming ■■■■ you dont even know about :sob:

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