PSA: Start using the timed bookmark feature to ensure a happy customer relationship

Hello, SWAPDsters.

This is a public service announcement aimed at all buyers and sellers (mostly sellers). Please start using our timed bookmark feature, it’s a simple yet very useful tool. It ensures that you keep your promises and responses on time, which in return, will increase customer satisfaction.

Why should you use timed bookmarks?

We can’t tell you how many times we see the following scenario, almost on daily basis:

Buyer: Hey, may I know what’s the current status?
Seller: Sure, give me a few hours. I will update you soon.

Three days go by…

Buyer: Hello??? Anyone there? @Administrators!!!
Seller: Sorry, I forgot.

We need to curb this behavior!

Some sellers have a lot on their plate, and it’s understandable that it’s easy to forget to reply sometimes. Some users click a notification, make a mental note to respond later, but they never do. Using timed bookmarks will solve this problem and make you a pro-seller and a man (woman?) of your word. SWAPD staff routinely uses this feature, that’s why 99% of the time when we say “we will respond”, we actually do that. I personally have around 140 active bookmarks set at this very moment.

Buyers should also use this feature for things such as payment reminders or responding to seller’s inquiries. It only takes two clicks, it’s useful, and it will make everyone happy!

Thank you!


For more info, please see: How to use timed bookmarks inside tickets and private messages

Let’s play a game. @tag someone who badly needs to use this feature.

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Cough Cough @Jkr123 Cough … (clears throat)

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Will check on this and get back to you with a response shortly.


Smooth comeback!

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Beep beep, boop boop!

I hate it…

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So, is anyone actually using this thing? Just wondering.


Been using it for a long time and it’s really Helpful.

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Only one person…

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Bumping this, so people know!