Selling Very active Instagram Account 158k with all natural followers most in U.S!

Property type: Fact page
Amount of fans/followers: 158,000
Country of followers (majority): USA
Topic/Niche: Educational/media/technology
Did you use automation/engagement networks/tricks to build up the activity?: Never! All natural followers from great clean content. bought shoutouts from larger pages when it became slow.
Price: Best offer!

Description: Fact page with all natural followers, Gains 3k- 5k followers a month, Can make around $60 -$100 per day depending on how many shoutouts you want to do a day. Created and owned by one owner, designed template, easy to manage just dont have time. 8k-10k likes per post.

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Please send me the username!

i’m interested, i’ve sent you a private message

please pm me the details, very interested

PM me, very interested

Send the username to interested buyers through a private message not in the public topic.

This is part of our rules in our Terms of Service

I’m using the app and it’s pretty confusing, cannot tell if I’m messaging directly or posting to the feed…

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To message someone, click their name then the big blue Message button, you can’t miss it. :slight_smile:

Okay, thanks!

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send me pm with detalis im interested

Appreciate the feedback and we’re glad you’re using the app. We have some improvements we will be rolling out and I’ve added your feedback to our list of items to improve.

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Could I see the username please? Interested

SOLD! Thank you for using SWAPD!