Twitter Gold/Blue Badge

I can’t give a 1-year warranty, depending on how you use the account, the gold badge will be permanent. Like +18, gambling, fraud. I don’t know, but I can’t follow it.
I’m authenticating then let’s continue our trade

@frkkzdsli Please explain to everyone what you mean by “Legal verification.” How do you do it? What is the process?

Yes explian and allso share in public how you bypass the monthly fees of gold badge which is 1000$ Thanks

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I’m talking with him , just want to know how this gold badge works

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I’m not discussing whether or not SWAPD closed a similar topic; I’m talking about seeking the facts before negatively judging someone else’s post. It’s possible that the individual has knowledge or a product that hasn’t yet been released. Who knows?


The $1000 application will be processed, then the badge will be awarded if deemed appropriate.
There is also a monthly payment of $1000. So 1 year = 12 000$
I’m selling 2000$ for 1 year.

This doesn’t explain how you are able to get it for $2000/year, when the subscription costs $12,000/year. There is only one way to keep the Gold Subscription and that is to pay a monthly cost of $1,000. There are no backdoors, there are no side deals, no method to apply for a “Legal verification” that will allow you to get it for $2,000/yearly. Assuming you are also making a profit on top of this (because of course you are, why else would you sell this), we have to assume that the yearly cost is less than $2,000.

So, please, explain to us all how this is possible. Are you reaching out to Elon Musk himself? Do you have a contact at the company? What is the method to your madness?

On top of that, if you are verifying profiles under your own business (using the affiliated with method), that only gives the user a Twitter Blue Verification for free (costing $11.99/monthly if the person does it themselves or $50/monthly if they are affiliated with your Business and also puts your Busines’s profile picture next to their checkmark).

Do you want to buy? Or do you want to know how I do this job? Decide on this first, then send me a private message after you’ve made your decision.

This seller uses exactly the same method as the other seller. The other thread was closed by Swapd but this one is still active. I don’t think there is discrimination on this platform. Am I wrong?

All sub accounts will be debadged if the main account is disabled or unsubscribed in the future. Right @frkkzdsli ?

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Men becouse all the top rated seller are saying in the topic you have to pay 1000$ and you cant bypass twitter policy and its seems not leagle some how as u saying ,its complet scam or you have to deposit some money to swapd till one year

I already pay $12000 annually.

Wow so your paying 12000$ to twitter and come here to seller the gold badge in 2000$😄

I make this payment for my own account.
The product I sold does not cost me $12000. I guess you don’t read what’s written

Kindly verify your swapd account frist and hope if you selling this servies here u will use your own name payment method becouse your paying to twitter 12000$ for one year and your selling here in 2000$

Bored Season 3 GIF by The Office

@frkkzdsli Please specify your topic. Do the buyers have any additional costs associated with the service (if applicable, per week, month, or year), the potential benefits, etc?

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I am not trying to ask how you do this job, I am trying to understand (as are the others) how this works for the clients. There is no harm in asking questions before buying a service and you shouldn’t have an issue answering the questions if you want people to buy from you. It’s always better to understand what people are buying and paying you for.

Since they are a lot of questions left unanswered, let me make it simplified.

When you say this, I imagine you have bought the Business (Gold) Verification from Twitter for your own Business Account, costing you $1,000/month. This, as per Twitter’s policy, allows you to choose to affiliate any individual or entity associated with you.

Doing so, costs you only $50/month per user. If this is what you are doing, it makes perfect sense to charge $2,000/yearly per user, as it would cost you $600/year in costs, leaving the rest as profit. This makes sense and if made clear, those wanting to take the risk can do so. However, you are not making it clear to anyone if this is indeed what you are doing.

If it is, it would also mean your Business’ profile picture, name and handle will be displayed next to the checkmark of every user you verify using this method, which I imagine not a whole lot of people want, as it would directly link their profile and associate it with your Business:

Anyone can, then, view your Business and see the “Affiliates” tab to look at every person you have verified using this method, like so:

That is the only logical way of doing what you are doing, that doesn’t go against Twitter’s own policy on how their new checkmark system works. The only other way would be that you have a top level rep behind you, who is helping you do this which would be an incredibly hard thing to believe without proof after Elon Musk’s crackdown on employees selling verification and his being so public about it.

You are also only giving a one-month warranty on this as quoted here:

Anyone can very easily offer a one-month warranty when the cost of the badge is $1,000/month and your service costs $2,000. You could, theoretically, provide a legit Gold Badge for just one-month for the price of $1,000 and pocket the difference and keep the remaining $1,000 to yourself as after the one month, the warranty is over and hence no refunds.

I’d like to make it clear that I am not asking for how your method works. We simply want to understand the service you are providing, make sense of it and see the logical sense behind it. There are questions that have been left unanswered and I think you should help to answer it.

  • Once the Gold Badge is applied, will your Business’ profile picture show up next to the checkmark because you are offering sub-verifications under your Business? Because this is how sub-verifications work;

  • Are you able to extend your warranty from one month to at least three months? The reason for this is that normal Gold Verification costs $1,000. If we’re paying you $2,000 we should get a minimum of three months warranty to make sure this isn’t going to go away within a month and we lose our money. With a three months warranty, it means that those who take the risk, even if they lose the verification after three months, they’d have saved $1,000 (paying $2,000 for 3 months instead of $3,000) if they had gone down the traditional route of buying the normal $1,000/month Gold Verification;

  • Are you able to renew the subscription every year (ie: can the client pay you $2,000/year to keep the Gold Verification or is this only a 12 months subscription and you cannot offer additional years after that)?


I agree with what you wrote, it was a somewhat vague sales statement, my friends did not ask so many questions in my previous sales,

I own a business and verification as you said. If you buy this service from me, your account will look like this.

I guarantee 1 month, the reason I can’t guarantee for the future is because the user is fraud, gambling, obscene content, etc.
Unless this behavior is done as I said, the gold badge will remain in a healthy way. The Gold badge should not be used for malicious purposes.

It is also possible to extend the contract if satisfied.

In this way, there is no risk for the users, the risk exists only for me. I’m just a seller who wants to make a profit on the product I have.

First of all, no you are not getting any Golden badge for 1 Year ! & no one will get a Golden badge for 1 year ! Unless you pay for it for the whole year in subscription.

What golden badge can do, they can grant affiliated account with a Blue checkmark & the Logo next to the checkmark . That’s all they can do. They can’t grant another golden badge for anyone !

So whatever you are offering shouldn’t be offered , as a matter of fact no Twitter Golden or blue verification should be offered onsite anymore, makes no sense at all people offering that kind of service when anyone can just get it from twitter directly !

Or its just a matter of get rich quick from people that are not really aware of those information ?