Twitter Gold/Blue Badge
Can you check tihs


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Thank you for the clarification, this is what everyone was asking & looking for. What you are doing does make sense now. However, they are a few downsides and huge risks as outlined below:

This is not a good thing for most Businesses/Profiles, as they are linked with your business directly and all of the other people you have verified using this method. Case in point:

If people are willing to be okay with this, then sure.

    The old topic was closed because they offered the same method. If you cancel your subscription, everyone loses their checkmark. Because of this, this service with this method is not allowed on SWAPD.

@SWAPD @Administrators

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1 year payment was made for my business. So the risk is only for me, not for you

I’m sorry but this is not a possibility. The Verified Organisation program is a monthly subscription, there are no annual plans available anywhere in the world. It is a $1,000/month subscription.

My credit card is tied there, the payment will be automatically withdrawn for 1 year.
In order for me to provide this service, I have to pay.
As you can see in the photos, customers benefit from the service.

They definitely benefit and I have no doubt about this, however, this type of service is not allowed on SWAPD due to the risk of you cancelling the subscription (at any point) or the Business Twitter Account being removed if Twitter discovers the little secret.

Just because you have your Credit Card linked does not mean you have paid for a 12 month subscription. Twitter charges you on a monthly basis which means that you could, theoretically, cancel the subscription at any point and all badges will disappear within 30 days.

:joy: :joy:

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If this job makes me money, why take the risk?

I have already said, I have no doubt this is a money-making method and your clients benefit from it. However, as outlined above, the downsides and huge risks that come with it are not to be ignored. Besides, the staff team has already ruled on this before and have said due to the huge risks involved (for the buyer), they will not be accepting this service and rightly so.

This is pretty funny, ngl, almost had us :skull:

What is funny? I am serving here

You say that you have a 12 month subscription, so the risk is all yours. That isn’t true. You have a monthly subscription, which can be cancelled at any point. There is no 12 month subscription available. Your credit card can be removed at any point by you, resulting in all badges disappearing immediately.

Dude, I have enough budget for this, let’s say I have 15 clients, I don’t do all of them with 1 business account, and if I’m making money this way, it would be very unreasonable to withdraw with the $2000 I received.

At the end this type of servies swapd ban already and not allowed anymore becouse of risk so no point to make comments as this topic will sure close or unlisted soon via swapd

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It isn’t about being unreasonable or you having enough budget for it or anything else. It is about the large risk factor that is involved in a service such as this, which resulted in the pervious topic being closed as it was offering the exact same thing as you.

But @MARKHOR said it best:

Understood Ok

We don’t want these types of services on SWAPD, sorry. If you see any other similar listings, please report them to staff.

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