Upcoming changes are coming to SWAPD! New tools and more!

It’s been a while since we’ve expanded our core, but we’re happy to announce that we’ve begun work on the following expansions.


Yes! We’re in the pre-development stages, but we’re fairly sure we can finally pull this off (90% sure). We will create a dedicated category just for auctions so sellers can enjoy the benefits of selling via a bidding process. As mentioned years ago, this will be a paid feature (per listing). However, since auctions usually bring in more money for the sellers, we believe this will be beneficial to both parties.

User tools

  1. Autobumper. We are working on an automated auto bumper system that will bump your topics every 48 hours. We’re not sure how this will be provided to the end-user. We don’t want the whole site to auto-bump, so most likely, just like auctions, this will be a paid feature.

  2. Canned responses. What’s this? We’re building an admin-like tool that will be included in your composer that will allow users to store pre-written responses. Are you sick and tired of copying and pasting your payment details? Or writing the same responses to clients over and over again? Our canned responses will solve that. You will be able to store an unlimited amount of responses, this will save you time dealing with your clients (and staff). This feature will be free and available to everyone.

Visual upgrade

While slight, we plan to touch up the website a bit. The changes will be subtle, so don’t worry! We’re just trying to spruce things up so you guys don’t get bored.

Vital core upgrades

We’re outdated in some areas of our website. We will be upgrading random plugins to bring everything up to speed.

SWAPD Syndicate

We’re rolling out our own personal concierge service called SWAPD Syndicate. In short, we will do things for new clients that they don’t want to do, mainly look for sellers for their projects. From services to hunting down properties, to even managing tickets for our power sellers. We will establish a SWAPD Partner program, where we will work with hand-picked sellers on our website. Together, we will work on projects paid for by clients who do not wish to mingle with us, but want to get things done. Yes, we get a few of those.

We will roll out these changes slowly in the upcoming weeks, so stay tuned for updates.
That is all. Thank you for reading!


Good news

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Great :heart_eyes:

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Can’t wait for it! :grin:

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Is there any indication on how expensive such auctions will be to create? And if you list your property for auction, do you still have the final say in whether or not to sell?

If you list, you will be bound to sell it once the auction is completed. But no worries, you will be able to set a reserve price.

We are not sure about the pricing yet.

Great :heart_eyes:

One thing that I think would be something that could help is for everyone to have 1 free auction or for a very small fee so everyone can test out this function and get familiar with it as 20$ or whatever price it is gonna be is a big treshold for some people to pay without knowing if it will sell


Sure we can run some trials.

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I actually think it is really good to only do auctions for a fee so the bad properties that won’t sell will not be listed as the owners know they won’t sell


Finally! been waiting on this for months :relaxed:


Excited for concierge service, I’d love someone to search for a service that I need!


Finally auctions! Been waiting for a year :fire::fire:

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Canned responses are being worked on first, should be released in a few days.

Now every user will be able to post robot-like responses :smiley:

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Is the beep boop booop ticket robot still alive?Nvm just saw its still in every ticket



Will you be removing the s̶c̶a̶m̶ grace period?


You should add a topup/credit system. not sure if this will have an impact on your taxes. If it does then I guess it’s pointless.

E.g. I deposit 5k usdt to you. My swapd
Balance now has 5k credits. Whenever I’m in a ticket. The payment automatically is taken from my credit account.

Not sure if this is something you will consider. But could save time in deals