[URGENT] Threatened with Copyright Strikes


Someone is currently threatening to copyright strike my IG page because I did not accept their price that they offered me. I’m not being too specific as I do not want the person to find out who I am.

What should I do?

have you published his instagram posts ? if yes then mention as a credit and that’s all :smiley:

I have but that does not seem to be their main focus due to the placement of their threat.

Apparently it’s some sort of organisation that has a lot of those “unknown” videos that are hard to find the credit for. I also have a lot of posts so spotting this over the years and fixing it all would be very difficult.

that’s not easy to report something if you are not original owner , you shouldn’t worry :smiley:

one more thing : if he wants money then you should not pay him , there are a lot of scammers who wants to scam your money

You sure? Can’t they claim that they own it under their organisation? Like those media companies (this is definitely not one of those big ones like Jukin Media, if it is.)

Does IG just accept any copyright strike or is there some sort of filter process?

Edit: he wanted to pay me, not me to him but I did not want that low of a price.

what kind of photos / videos do you have ?

  • nudity or sexual

  • scam or fraud

  • false information

  • hate speech or symbols

  • bullying or harassment

  • sale of illegal or regulated goods

  • suicide or self-injury

  • eating disorders

if you don’t have uploaded anything which are described above then you should not worry because instagram is not going to take an action if he reports you " I just don’t like it "

It’s a babes page so I’d say nudity or sexual, I try post those less provocative posts but it’s still a babes page so

Yeah I know this niche is a bit more risky with bans, I’ve already been disabled like a week ago (first time).

I still have some hope that it can survive though… I’m guessing he may just report my account for nudity instead of striking.

just ignore him.

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Ok thank you for all your help.