We have updated our chat rules. Starting now, posting your services in #General will get your SWAPD account silenced for 72 hours

We’ve updated our rules for the #General public chat room. Starting now, people who post things such as:

Selling premium accounts, DM me
I can unban anything, contact me asap
Check out my thread, I have a premium domain

Will have their accounts silenced for 72 hours. That means you will NOT be able to use SWAPD for that time duration. You will still have access (and will be able to respond) to ongoing PMs and tickets, but you will be blocked from making new transactions or from contacting new members.

General chat is for general chat

Use it to:

  1. Discuss current events
  2. Share things that are going on in our industry
  3. Post business ideas
  4. Have some fun with a dash of humor

For all you spammers out there

We’ve created a second chat channel called #Promo. Use it to promote your services as much as you like. But only keep it in that channel.

For more rules, please see:


Also, a reminder. SWAPD staff does not offer any type of support over chat. Not even a single question will be answered. To receive support, please directly DM us via a private message.


Make me chat moderator thanks

Why just don’t I stick my fingers in an electrical socket? Same outcome.


We want search box in chats



Game Show Thank You GIF by Kinda Funny


Much needed.

That’s a super-extensive thing to implement, unfortunately. What’s the real usage fo this, give us an example.

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When I can’t read all the messages, I can search for a word like TikTok to see if anyone wants to buy a TikTok account, so I contact him.


Also, for a single buyer can messages be saggregated in one chat. Quite similar to whatsapp. Currently have multiple different threads with one buyer. If all messages would be in a same place under single chat or thread then searching out the messages and history of orders can be easy

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