Win $25k if I don't lose 20 pounds by March 15, 2023

Good luck!

Good luck!

Would recommend checking out Felu

He’s kinda goofy but gives out great advice

lol good luck!

Hi I hope I win :slight_smile:

Lol I need to lose 30 pounds


Let’s get it @GOAT! :muscle:

Let me know if you need any fitness or dieting tips.

Oh wow, that sounds really interesting.

Be cateful with that, you do not want to look weak and bad body composition. Do not encourage 1 meal per day.

Going back to normal food intake, you would start gaining those weights back. Please have a sustainable diet and strength training (Added with some cardio and lot of stretching).

If you have high visceral fat (focus on brisk walking).

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Any updates? :sweat_smile::heart_hands:


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I hope you can :slight_smile:

You got this for sure, we all believe in you

Suppprting since December! Let’s goooo good luck bro

last 4 days. :joy:


GLWLW! (Good luck with losing weight)

2 days left :eyes:

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