500 USD to anyone who breaks Gmail login roadblocks

this always works for me

  1. seller stays login while giving the details for the account.
  2. the middleman logins and the seller permits the login. the middleman most of the time uses an emulator or android phone. and changes the details.
  3. the mm passes the details to the buyer and permits the login.
    i don’t know what criteria you guys follow.

Permitting login is one thing, changing info such as phone numbers and recovery emails on file makes things messy.

I would advice not to include your phone number just hold the account temporarily until you pass it to the buyer. After you login you can logout the seller so the prompt only appears on your mobile phone.

Yes but even so, when you start changing things such as removing the sellers phone, Gmail often reverses everything back, even if the seller removed the number himself.


Gogogogogo, crack this one

Thanks bro :heart: I always love technical challenges :slight_smile:

Browser fingerprinting is illegal in my state, So I can’t help in developing this!

@SWAPD I would like Bitcoins. :100:

You just need to allow insecure logins via smtp in setting. Enforcing 2fa will only make it harder to login as gmail will start checking the logins.

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I don’t know if this will somehow help but I always enable “Use your phone to sign in” and after that all the confirmations are sent to that device instead so I don’t need any codes from seller anymore and I can just change the other stuff. I know you are asking about the account getting locked but it never happened to me while I was buying an account using this process.

Turn off 2fa and enable this: https://myaccount.google.com/lesssecureapps
Then you can easily login, I’ve tested this method and it’s working perfectly.

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OK. And will that allow us to change phone numbers/etc without Gmail reverting it back?

Turn off 2fa and enable this: https://myaccount.google.com/lesssecureapps
Then you can easily login.

Test it and gimme the $500 because it works.


Yes, Incase gmail reverts it back, you can easily login and re-revert it.

How can you “easily” revert a phone change when you need the sellers number and PIN to make the change? I don’t think you guys understand, logins aren’t usually the problem. It’s logins + changes needed to make the account secure for the buyer, which includes removing back up emails, and changing the phone and password.

Ok how about this change the property email to a proton email then delete the gmail completely.
Give buyer the new proton email.

Deleted gmail accounts cant be registered anymore afaik and you can tell if they are deleted because they show as doesn’t exist when trying to login.
This all should be done by the seller btw

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Because you need a triple change of the accounts and Google doesn’t allow this anymore, the only way to make this possible is that you, the middle man login to the seller computer through teamviewer and you do all the necessary steps to change the data and everything else yourself, from the seller ip, computer, etc…

So like this it looks like it is a 1-1 change, but in fact you’re there.

It is a little bit more complicated, it needs a little bit more timing from the staff, but you are sure that this one works and the account change did occur correctly.

Or the other way around, you login through teamviewer to the buyers computer and make all the changes after the seller have given you all the details…


Huge burden with the TeamViewer. Users don’t like to download exe’s to their PC’s. You might, resellers are OK with it, but as I’ve said, around 30% of the people here are casuals. So, in short, it would probably work but it’s not easy.

Then you lose the OG (in most cases it’s all about that). No one cares about emails unless they’re OG.

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Everyone loses it. The point is the seller if malicious can’t get it back.
Small price to pay i guess

Most of the guys I know, even the casual ones that don’t know how to use a computer have already TeamViewer installed on their computers, beside this I’ve worked in a software company where this was the solution they were using, what they did, they have a Branded TeamViewer with their logo and everything, and they hosted the exe on their website so for the casual users, they would send them to their url for example: swapd.co/tw.exe

Take a look: Features

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That’s 230 USD per month -_-
And that still doesn’t solve the problem with Gmail reverting info such as backup emails and phone numbers for WEEKS after the account has been taken over.

Thats another problem that is not related to the 3 people account change.

In my opinion, TeamViewer eliminates and bypasses all this problems you mentioned here.

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