Attention All Company Reps: Partner with SWAPD for a Unique Opportunity!

Even if people are charging 20k what diffrnce does it make to swpd ? They gonna earn 1.8k as fees in a single transaction rather then earning 200$ for a 2k ticket …

Why to earn 2k when u can 20k with reps ? @Dragon :grinning: but business is business :shark: vs :tropical_fish:

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If actual Google/YouTube reps would come on here then it will be bright days :sun_with_face:

People are getting mad but…

  1. Don’t forget that this is just an experiment. We want to see if anyone actually responds.
  2. Even if they do respond, that doesn’t mean we will work with them.
  3. Even if someone would be willing to work, it would have to be under contract, stating that their involvement isn’t in any way disrupting their workplace or goes against terms of any company.

SWAPD always strives to be as the most law-compliant (in a challenging business environment) as possible. We will not jeopardize everything for a quick buck. This post was truly a test and an outreach to people who could perhaps help without making damage on their end. How is our request different from (for example) asking your META rep to unban your friend’s account? I am talking about companies that do significant ad spend; they literally have reps who will do everything and anything for them, regardless of whether the request has anything to do with their company and relationship with the client.


in a way, if this wasn’t a test, it wouldn’t be an equal fight because here’s an example

you ban me now, will anyone notice? never literally anyone (even though I’ve been active here for 3 months, even though you’re not the type to ban for no reason) I’m just expressing that kind of honesty

that it’s not the same if I fight against @goat or @mafia and if i compete against the server admin, if you honestly understand me as a person, without bad or bad intentions. I admire everyone for every business they create for themselves. I’m just giving myself the right to express my opinion. And i wish you to find representative and to earn more than 10m in next 1 year.

We all just need to understand princip of :whale2: :shark::fish: thats all.

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I don’t even know what you’re saying. Why would we ban you?

I am doing this currently. lease delete my ID :grinning:

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Will they get a better fee structure than normal users? @SWAPD

Reason I ask is - why do they need to reach out? Why not just start their own thread?

just curious.

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Anything to increase the quality on Swapd is great, this is an example of making changes to improve that.

I’ve been saying for years Swapd quality is extremely poor full of

Inflated prices as resellers sell to other resellers, and no one (bar a couple) is in touch with a rep
Everyone sells the god damn same boring products, you get the odd 1-2 unique product.

Getting rid of 50% of the resellers would do Swapd justice, would improve quality = more customers = higher spend = the decent resellers will reap off it.

Low quality = gone

Swapd should have been harder on resellers from the get-go, can’t deliver 3x tickets? bye

P.S - An email newsletter would bomb with unique products, just saying @SWAPD my offer still stands!

P.S.S - @Goofy i hate norway.


If they’re not ID verified, they won’t be able to start a checkout ticket.

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I am actually considering this, but perhaps not three tickets.

This is interesting, and I’m eager to see how it unfolds.

There are definitely pros and cons, but overall, I believe it could be beneficial for Swapd, especially since it’s becoming increasingly difficult to get things done. Many claim they can deliver, but few actually do.

I’m also curious about the pricing strategy you plan to implement for these services. Are you aiming to target the end user with top-tier pricing, or are you considering fair pricing that would be accessible to agencies managing their own clients?

For instance, there have been numerous occasions where deals fell through because clients had budgets of $10k-$15k for a handle, while sellers were demanding upwards of $30k. While the price point can be reasonable at times, it sometimes seems driven more by greed than by the actual value of the service, turning it into a bit of a money grab.

Good business decision, hardest part is to bring decent service providers, buyers sill always arrive when services are delivered. Its not communism here, its market rules, business is business. I highly doubt thats the reason reps dont join here, but i hope i am wrong and as a buyer i would like to see as many reps as possible here.

get rid of the ■■■■ then decent buyers will come through, look at unique services from an outsider. There’s nothing unique in there.


This change will be great for me. I’m tired of dealing with all these resellers. The topics I have open on SWAPD is me submitting it directly to the rep.

I’m excited to see the resellers leave and to get fair and reliable prices to fix issues for my off-site clients.


Honestly I’ve been on here for 3 months and I’ve not been able to complete any service with sellers who claim 100% success rate. It’s a bit frustrating and I’m open to the idea of actually getting help with actual rep


I have no issues with this decision. I am confident for what I’m offering and authenticity of it.

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I agree with you and similar to my situation. I’d like to just reach out to SWAPD recommendation and stop the back and forth. I’d pay a premium for the service giving peace of mind.


While many people have mixed feelings about this, I think it is important to put yourself in the shoes of the site owner.

Buyers are the backbone of Swapd. The reason sellers are here is because there are buyers to purchase their services.

The number one complaint buyers have on Swapd is wasting time with sellers who can’t deliver.

When it comes to buying services, I will pay a premium for a reliable service provider who delivers fast and communicates effectively.

I personally have clients and agencies who buy off me because they don’t want to waste time messaging people on swapd/trying other plugs, even though they’re aware of the website and that I buy some of my services off here.

What is the solution?

I have no freaking idea, but whether the above is a good idea or a bad one the admin is testing new things to grow the community and some will stick while others will fall off.