Notification to SWAPD Members: DDoS Attack Update

Talk to devs and implement IP rate limit blocking even on the root page, if it’s already implemented make it stricter. I see cloudflare enabled as well with their captcha, that’s not preventing those attacks? It should be!

And are you sure it’s DDoS? Perhaps it’s because a third party company you rely on couldn’t manage a certain service due to the CrowdStrike incident, therefore your servers were not functioning.



These guys keep amplifying the attacks, which is why we needed to block the entire world from easy access. Our firewall will now ask you to solve a Captcha every 30 minutes when you use SWAPD (and on entry).

Our HomeScreen app, along with Telegram notifications, will not work correctly during this downtime. However, I am fairly sure that from now on, our WWW access will be stable.

To clarify, I have a few questions. What is the purpose of doing this on the website, and what is the cost associated with it? Sending so many requests at once—are we in agreement on that? Sorry for asking what might seem like basic questions, but I am not familiar with this process. Understanding this would really help identify the type of people who can handle this. Sending so many requests seems costly ? :face_with_monocle:

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It’s a last resort for someone scorn (or competition) to get back at us. If we didn’t have a firewall, they could take us down for weeks, thus causing financial losses (and client losses). Prices (from what I know) range anywhere from 200-300 to 2-5K per day (if you hire someone). Depending on how much power you want to yield.


Wow! Thank you for the explanation; it’s clearer now. I understand the objective behind this attack. However, I’m still shocked to learn how inexpensive it is to send so many requests. This means that if a site doesn’t have the necessary security measures like the platform we are using, it can easily be down for weeks, leading to financial losses, client losses, and potentially rendering the site inactive. It’s incredible how things are in the generation we live in…. Pray for Swapd :pray:t4:

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That’s because they hire hackers who have an army of infected computers worldwide. From servers to home desktops, users are unaware that their computers and internet connection are being used to attack someone.


I understand. Thank you for the insights. The current observation is that, through exchanges on the platform, we learn more about the attack, and this person is still spending their money to make the platform inaccessible.

This just proves one thing: you are solid in the face of such attacks, and they are ineffective when they try to attack. Karma will catch up with these people! 🫶🏽

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We regret to inform you that our valiant battle against the relentless DDoS attacks continues. Our heroic team of cyber warriors has been tirelessly fending off these pathetic attempts by some weak-ass, basement-dwelling, Cheeto-stained, neckbeard-sporting, sissy-pants nerd who probably still lives with his mom.

Unfortunately, until we can finally crush this loser’s feeble ego, we must keep our annoying firewall roadblocks in place. We know they’re a pain in the butt, but trust us, it’s a small price to pay to keep our community safe from this pathetic excuse for a hacker.

So, sit tight, stay strong, and know that we’re doing everything in our power to end this reign of terror by this sad little man-child.

In the meantime, feel free to send us your best insults and memes about the attacker, and we’ll make sure to pass them along to our team of elite cyber ninjas.


0sec of the nerd DDoSing us, reading this topic being all proud:

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We have confirmation that the DDoSer is reading this thread (probably while crying too) as this thread is one of the top three attacked pages:



Poor Kid😂

Hard working guy he is :grinning: Trying something in which he can’t succeed, he knows it

hey hacker-boi! can you please stop? is it necessary? is it nice?




Can you read this? You hacker-boi



The geek is back :smiley: Hi, nerd!