Pre-bid auction checklist. Getting started guide

Before you place a bid, make sure to follow these guidelines and tips:

  • Make sure your SWAPD account is ID Verified. Unverified members will not be able to post offers.
  • Inquire about the asset/service you’re bidding on. Unless you’re a Premium, VIP, or a Diamond Club member, you may not see what is actually being sold. Just like in regular SWAPD listings, all URLs and essential details are hidden from the general public. Therefore, you will need to contact the auction owner for more information before placing your bid. You can do so by directly sending a message to the sellers SWAPD inbox or asking in the auction comment section.
  • Do your research. Before making any offers, please make sure that what you’re bidding for is something you actually want. That’s why it is imperative to ask sellers everything you deem important.
  • Never bid if you don’t intend to pay. Upon auction completion, the winning bidder will be obligated to pay. Every completed auction gets automatically converted into our Checkout Tickets, and they fall under the same rules. Unpaid balances can result in membership termination.
  • Get to know our auction system. Learn about our auction features such as max bid and reserve price.
  • Bid carefully. Auction bidders have an option to remove their last bid within five minutes of placing their offer. Use this allocated time to correct wrongfully placed bids (wrong amount).
  • Agree to our auction rules. We kindly ask you to get to know our auction terms and general rules of conduct before making any bids.

For more information, see our knowledge base.

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