SWAPD is a trusted middleman service dedicated to offering our users the safest way to buy, sell, or trade items and services of virtual nature. SWAPD opens doors for you to earn and rise to fame in the digital universe by connecting you with vast network of buyers, sellers, and opportunities.
Due to a few tickets being constantly open (services) we’re making necessary adjustments so the buyer/seller can still participate. They offer services that last a long, long time (for months) without closing but continue to make monthly payouts/purchases. To compensate, we’re creating mock tickets with the users so their earnings are counted. FYI, the tickets are started with our test account @onlyusernames-ghay. This user will NOT be counted in the final tally, so do not worry if you see him rise in charts.
Your big ticket was reclosed 14 hours ago and the stats update every 24h. You should show up in 1-2 days on the table. If you don’t, please pm me @niccolomessina. Also, check if your earnings are public/private by following this guide: How to reveal your sales/purchases to the public?