SWAPD Business Tycoons - We're giving away 2x iPads Air, 2x AirPods Pro, and 2x AirPods (regular) to the top three buyers/sellers in January!

Thanks got my funds :heart:


@shane_c - Paid (wire)
@CGG - Paid
@Jkr123 - Paid (wire)
@Ysir - Paid
@Nemesis - Donated (Thank you)
@jakeshaw - Paid

Thanks again for playing and being SWAPD Business Tycoons!


Thank you :facepunch:t2::100::raised_hands:t2:


I made 22$+ of acquistion.
Only 8 showed.
Not fair.

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If you are speaking of your sales from a few weeks ago it’s because the big 20K ticket was started as 6000 USD value, you’ve later on added additional items. Unfortunately, only the original amount is taken in by the system when the terms are accepted. I believe @Alpha warned you afterward and wanted to create a mock ticket to supplement it, not sure if you responded to that PM or not.

Either way, your current tickets you have will place you on the map 48 hours after they close :slight_smile:
This way you will have a chance to win here: SWAPD Gamers Edition Contest! - We're giving away handheld consoles and gaming accessories to the top 5 buyers/sellers for the month of February

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I can also adjust your lifetime earnings if you like.

@staff We should start something like this again, It’s always awesome to have these contests.


We will, once income picks up. Unfortunately, since March everything is rolling downhill. Expenses are up, the workload is up, but earnings are down. And the funny thing is we hold a record amount of funds in escrow and traffic is somewhat the same. Go figure.


Would be very happy to vin one of the giveaway products!

Lets do an email already

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Things are improving on the back end @Mac (financially) so we may resume our giveaways soon. But first, we have to roll out the new features we’re working on :slight_smile: And we have many!

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Christmas giveaway :smiley: :heart:

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That’s actually not a bad idea.